8331 McAllister Way, Bay 100
West Palm Beach, FL 33411
Specializing in Industrial, Agricultural, Marine, Automotive Hydraulic Hose and Coupling Needs
Over 140 Years Experience in The Hose Business
Specialize in Hydraulic & Industrial Hose Distribution, Rubber Goods, Sales and Service
Same Day Shipments
Accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover Card
Next Day Delivery on Hose Assemblies
Full Service Customer Support
No Minimum Orders
Standard, Metric; Crimp Couplings; Adapters, Hose Assemblies, Tubing, Tube Fittings, Rubber Goods
4 Spiral, 6 Spiral Metric and Standard Couplings Specialists
Specialize in Industrial, Agrigultural, Marine, Automotive, Hydraulic Hose and Coupling Needs
ITR Hydraulics Corp.
R4 Return/Suction Hose - SAE 100 R4
R1AT Medium Pressure Hose - SAE 100 R1/AT
R2AT High Pressure Hose - SAE 100 R2/AT
R9AT Pulsating Pressure Hose - SAE 100 R9/AT
R12 Pulsating Pressure Hose - SAE 100 R12
R13 Pulsating Pressure Hose - SAE 100 R13
SSH4 Extremely High-Pulsating Pressure Hose
Female Flat Face O-Ring Swivel
Female Flat Face O-Ring Swivel 90
O-Ring Flange 45 Bent Tube
O-Ring Flange Straight
O-Ring Flange 90 Bent Tube
BSP Parallel Male
Female BSP Swivel
Female DIN Metric Swivel
French Gaz Female
Female Komatsu Swivel
English to Metric Equivalents
inches x 25.4000 = millimeters (mm)
inches x 2.5400 = centimeters (cm)
feet x 0.3048 = meters (m)
yard x 0.9144 = meters (m)
psi x 0.0689 = bar
psi x 0.0069 = megapascals (MPa)
Metric to English Equivalents
millimeter x 0.0394 = inch (in)
centimeter x 0.3937 = inch (in)
meters x 3.2810 = feet (ft)
meters x 1.0936 = yards (yd)
bar x 14.5000 = psi
megapascals x 145.0000 = psi
C o p y r i g h t 2 0 0 1 A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d . I n t e l l i g e n t M e d i a V e n t u r e s , L L C