Podcast Now Available on iTunes! Simply go to the iTunes store and search "First Baptist Church Delray Beach." Both audio and video versions of messages are available. You can subscribe on the the same page and receive each message each week. Best of all, it's free.
I hope this is a blessing to you. This is an easy way to ask friends to get an idea of what we are all about.
Jesus Food - New Sermon Series
As we continue on our journey through the book of John we come to a key part of what John wants us to understand about the identity of Jesus. He really is exactly what we need to live. The food He provides gives us a life that goes on forever. I hope you will be with us each week as we consume the food of Jesus Christ.
We are very excited to have Joe LoGrasso joining us as our student intern leading our middle school and high school ministries. Joe is from New Jersey and is a senior at Palm Beach Atlantic University. He comes highly recommended by Michael Hux and Dr. Jonathan Grenz of PBAU.
Joe begins his ministry on Wednesday nights through the end of August. He finishes up an internship at First Baptist Weston at the end of August allowing him to join us on Sundays as well in September.
Welcome Joe and be in prayer for his ministry as he leads our students.
Mondays 7:00 pm Ladies 12-Step Program
Tuesdays 6:30 am Mens Bible Study (held at
Thursdays 8:00 pm AA Meeting
Sundays 9:45 am Bible Study for all ages
11:00 am Morning Worship
On December 2, 3 & 4, Lifetouch Photography will be here for family and individual portraits for the church directory. Click on the logo above or here to schedule a session during these days.
We've Moved to Wednesday Nights at 6:30
Bring a friend and join in the fun!
Mens Bible Study Breakfast Tuesday Mornings @ 6:30
Men, join Ron Whaley and I as we lead through Francis Chans Crazy Love, starting September 7. Ron and I will be cooking a "man-breakfast" here in the church kitchen so that our study time can begin in the sanctuary promptly at 6:30 and finish by 7:30 so that you may move on with your day. Dont miss life changing study. Books are available online at www.crazylovebook.com