We care about your pet's health.
Dade City Animal Clinic is dedicated to giving your pet the best of care. We strive to keep your pet happy and healthy for years to come.
Our goal is to treat our clients as we would treat our families, and to take care of our clients' pets as though they were our own.
Our clients and patients are the heart of our practice and the reason we are here. At all times, our clients will be given respect, dignity and compassion.
Our current Doctors in residence are Chester W. Taylor, III, DVM (Dr. Chet), Brian Dillard, DVM, and Jeffery Alt, DVM.
The winter holiday months can be as stressful on your pets as it is on you. As the mercury drops on the thermometer, it is important to prepare your pets. Just like humans, pets are used to the warm weather. If it is rough on you, it will be rough on them. So prepare in advance. As for all the approaching holidays, watch for harmful things your pet can get into (too much turkey, getting into the Christmas tree or other toxic plants, chocolate etc.) To help with your holiday planning, stop by the clinic to pick up a copy of more "Winter Pet Care Tips".