Offers you the most comprehensive list of Interpreting and Translating services available anywhere. We are experts in the field of consecutive and simultaneous Interpreting and Translating of documents, books, manuals, brochures and more.
We only employ highly qualified interpreters specially selected for their language skills as well as their personal background.
Area attorneys, insurance agents, medical personnel and international companies to name a few, have availed themselves of the benefits of GLOBAL TRANSLATIONS & INTERPRETATIONS for better business communications. There are several Interpreting companies out in the market using non-certified and very unqualified people as you are well aware of. Let us help you enhance the image of your company by taking advantage of GLOBAL TRANSLATIONS & INTERPRETATIONS professional services.
We are a family-owned and operated company that takes great pride in the personalized service and attention we give to each and everyone of our clients. Our company has the commitment of exceeding the expectations of our customers. You can feel confident that when you call GLOBAL TRANSLATIONS & INTERPRETATIONS, punctuality, reliability and personalized care will be provided for all of your services with your international clientele.
Bridging world communication word by word...
Universal Translation Services is a global translation agency in the US (Aventura and Miami), and in Europe, offering online translation services in all languages.