Youth Activities Church School - Sunday at 9:45am - Altar Building Youth Group - Every Other Wednesday Beginning Jan. 6, at 6:00pm - Altar Building Cub Scout Pack 429 - Monday at 6:30 pm - Altar Building Boy Scout Troup 429 - Thursday at 7:00pm - Altar Building
Food Drive For Hunger
For Halifax Urban Ministries,
Bible Studies Mary Group November 9, at 10.00am - Friendship Hall
Martha Group November 7, at 7:00pm - Alter Building
Esther Group November 23, at 10:00am- Altar Building
Men's Bible Study Nov, 17,at 6:30pm - Altar Building
Men's Prayer Breakfast Nov. 11, at 6:00am -Denny's
Welcome to the Daytona Beach Drive-In Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Web site. We are glad you are here!
8:30 am and 10:00 am
Our services typically last for about 45 minutes. You are welcome to come dressed as you like. We offer indoor worship in the Little Chapel located on A1A or in Friendship Hall located in the center of the property. There are several outdoor seating areas for you to worship outside of your vehicles in the comfort of the shade.
We Invite each and every person who attends our services to be part of our ministry called, Daytona Beach Drive-In Christian Church. At the conclusion of each worship service, we offer believers in our lord, an opportunity to become a part of this fellowship. Either by becoming a full member or an associate member. Please indicate on your Church Life form, or by calling the church office, your desire.
Special Services are held for the following:
Maundy Thursday - the Thursday before Easter
Easter Sunday - Sunrise Service
Christmas Eve - Candle Light Service See Photo Gallery for pictures of these services.
Reverend Deitch Preparing to Spread a Members Ashes Over the Atlantic Ocean
We Support Halifax Urban Ministries an Hope That You Do Also.
Halifax Urban Ministries provides for the less fortunate in our community.
In 1953, in cooperation with the owners and management of the Neptune Drive-In Theater, the members of The First Christian Church of Daytona Beach organized and sponsored a Drive-In service (then called the South Peninsula Drive-In Church Service). The property was purchased in 1957.
Visit Our Church History for more information.
We welcome you to our beautiful Garden of Prayer. Our church's purpose is to spread the "Good News" to every person, including tourists, the physically challenged, families with children and others looking for a unique way to worship.
We are affiliated with The Christian Churches (Disciples of Christ). Our National Office is located in Indianapolis, Indiana. There is a Regional Office in Orlando, FL.
Send mail to Questions or comments about the church questions or comments about this web site .
If you would like to make a donation to help with Church Ministries and Programs send your check t.The Drive-In Christian Church
P.O. Box 7175
Daytona Beach FL 32116-7175
Write your State or City on the memo line.
Photographs by: Jennifer Surgent, Jim Harrison, Melissa Frantz, Robert McElroy, & Pete Atwood. Videos by Donna & Amy Stewart