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Faith Assembly of God
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Each month, a brochure with prices on individual food items as well as special packages that are available that month can be found at the Information
Address6950 Bayshore RD North Fort Myers, FL 33917-3361
Phone(239) 543-2700
Come every night. We dare you.
Bring friends and family members who need to hear that placing their hope in Jesus Christ will change their lives. We double-dog dare you.
The 21st Annual Production of The Gospel According to Scrooge (TGATS XXI) will be presented beginning Friday, December 10 at 7:00 p.m. and continuing each night at 7:00 p.m. through Monday, December 13. There will be a 2:00 p.m. matinee on Saturday, December 11.
The 100+ member cast and crew of TGATS XXI have been working hard since early October to make this years production a high-quality explosion of sight and sound that will overwhelm the audience, drawing them into the story and opening their hearts to the underlying message of Gods love for them.
The 2010 theme for TGATS XXI is Dare to Dream. Tiny Tim dreams of a day when God will heal him. Ebenezer Scrooge spends a dream-filled night that changes his heart and mind. Likewise, we dare to dream of many lives being changed as a result of this ministry. We dare to expect God to do great things in our church and our community.
Flyers are available at the Information Counter that you can use to invite anyone who needs this message of hope. You can also direct them to the Scrooge page on Facebook at For the latest information about TGATS XXI, visit

Categories: Faith News · Tags: Scrooge, TGATS XXI, The Gospel According to Scrooge

On October 20, 2010, 31 people declared and reaffirmed their faith in Christ through water baptism. Below is a brief review of the celebration:

Categories: Faith News · Tags: celebration, recap, salvation, video, water baptism

Theres a special joy that comes from partnering with God to provide for the needs of others. This holiday season, we have at least three opportunities to do just that:

A gift of $30 will provide a Thanksgiving meal for a family in need. Each year, as the Lord provides, we have been able to share Thanksgiving meals for those within our congregation. Through our relationships with Bayshore Elementary, Nations Outreach, and the NFM Chamber of Commerce, weve also been able to share with families in our community who might otherwise do with less or without. You can take part by marking Thanksgiving on your donation check or offering envelope.

You can bless a family in need by providing Christmas presents for them through The Giving Tree which will be located in the lobby beginning Sunday, November 28. Each card on the tree has a gift suggestion. Just choose a card, purchase and wrap the gifts, attach the tag to the gift, and return the gift to the church by Sunday, December 12. We will contact the family and arrange for them to pick up their gifts in time for Christmas.

As with Thanksgiving, we want to help families with Christmas dinner. Your gift of $30 will provide a holiday dinner for a family in need. Write “Christmas Dinner” on your donation on your offering envelope.
Jesus taught us in Matthew 25 that when we meet the needs of others, its the same as doing it for Him. We invite you to share in the blessing!

Categories: Faith News · Tags: Benevolence, Christmas, giving, sharing, Thanksgiving

How would you like to cut your grocery expense by up to 50%?
The SHARE Florida Food Network has provided that opportunity to people all over southwest Florida for over 15 years. Frozen food, fresh meats and vegetables, and other staples are all available at drastically reduced prices because of SHAREs non-profit status, volume power-buying from national food distributors, and a staff of volunteers.
Since Faith Assembly is a SHARE member location, our church attendees, as well as members of the surrounding community, can take advantage of tremendous savings on the high-quality food every month. There are no income requirements or limitations.
Each month, a brochure with prices on individual food items as well as special packages that are available that month can be found at the Information Counter in the church lobby. You can place and pay for your order with one of the SHARE volunteers at the counter before each months deadline. On the fourth Saturday of each month, a team of volunteers from Faith Assembly go to the local distribution center and bring those orders to the church for pick up between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. at the North Campus.
November 7 is the next SHARE order deadline. Anyone who wants to benefit from decreasing their food bill (and who wouldnt?) will want to take advantage of this great opportunity.

Over 300 children have participated in the fun and we usually have about 30 cars. Each year hundreds of pounds of candy are given out. If you are unable to join us, donations of individually-wrapped candies will be most appreciated and can be left at the Information Counter. A collection bin will be available in the lobby beginning October 24.

Categories: Childrens Ministries, Faith News · Tags: Children's Ministries, Halloween, Trunk or Treat


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