Panoramic Lakeland (Requires Quick Time) Interview With God
St. Nicholas Party for Youth
Wednesday, December 1st
Walking & Running Club
Saturday Morning, December 4th at 8:00 A.M.
Sunday December 5th
Followed by an English Tea
-Sponsored by the All Saints' Bookstore & Gift Shoppe-
Our New Building Will Soon Start!
Covered parking, shuttle service, breakfast!
10:00-10:40 am Sunday, Parlor
This is a weekly Bible class on various marriage and family issues.
It is a special time to make friends and fellowship with other parents.
Join Father and Vivian for the
Rome-Cyprus-Haifa-Sea of Galilee-Jordan River-Capernaum-Jerusalem
Mount of Olives-Upper Room-Via Dolorosa-Western Wall
Garden of Gethsemane-Alexandria, Egypt-The Egypt Museum-Giza Pyramids
Plus - four days of cruising, fellowship, great bible lectures!
Encompassing the Old Testament and the New Testament
13 day Program Departs on November 4, 2011
This trip is for anyone interested in going with the All Saints' group - family, friends, relatives, business associates, and anyone visiting us online.
First Holy Communion
Jr. & Sr. High Youth
Everis Fairchild Administrator
Jim ProctorSexton/Sacristan
Kristina SetliffChildren/Nursery
Staff & Leadership
Our Annual Events
Bookstore & Gift Shoppe at the Church
Thrift Store & More
on Florida Avenue
Birthdays and Anniversaries
All Saints' YouTube
Our Photo Albums
Become a Christian
Joining Our Family
Episcopal History I
Episcopal History II
All Saints' has seven worship experiences.
Saturday Service 4:00 pm
Traditional - No Music
Blended - With Music 10:50 am
Traditional - With Music