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Your Career Alternatives
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Coaching Individuals to find the best job available, Resume Writing, Interviewing Techniques, Networking Strategies, Work Behavior Profile, Internet
Address3001 Landmark Blvd Palm Harbor, FL 34684-5042
Phone(727) 784-5505
Come join us in this New Year as we discuss and present:'The Top 10 for 2010' These are the topjob search strategies for this year based on the highest unemployment rate in over 45 years.

For additional information, please check out my LinkedIn profile at

I would invite you to review every page to learn about our background, our services and our new 108 page job search workbook. You will be glad you did.God Bless.

Job Coach & AuthorSO LET'S GET STARTED!
In order to gain your trust, let me send you our FREE Networking Tips, 10 Rules of Resume Writing, 10 Steps in Interview Preparation and our Top 4 Interview Questions with Responses.

Just turn to our Services Page and select the items you would like. Then, send your request to me - Lee Savage

Your Career Alternatives....Job Search Coaching Customized For You

Strategies to become more effective in your search for the job or career of your dreams.

Thank you for visiting us here at: `Your Career Alternatives' where we will help you build and develop your very own Job Search Plan and Strategy. To show my appreciation to you for the confidence and trust you have placed in us, I invite you to visit our Job Search Workbook page and view our `Resume Power Point Presentation'. This 41 page`how to' document will help you build and develop this very important component of your JOB SEARCH PLAN.

In addition, you will learn every aspect of formulating your own Job Search Plan including: Networking, Resume and Cover Letter Writing, Interviewing Techniques, Using the Internet to increase yourNetwork, Interview Questions and Suggested Responses and most importantly "How to Put AIM in your Heart, Mind and Soul.
Welcome to our `innovative' Job Search strategy in which you actually customize your own job search plan to meet your needs. Weoffer every singlecomponent of your job search from Networking to Cover Letters and Resumes to Interviewing Preparation and Control to your final destination of the Job Offer. So how do we get there?

As acoachteaches, trains and developsa player's skills... my job here is to coach, train, and develop you for the new job that awaits you. You will learn how to Network, Develop a Cover Letter andResume, Match Your Profile to a Job orCareer, Prepare &Respond to Interview Questionsand Put a Job Search Plan Together.

Yes, that job of your dreams is out there and I want to provide you with all of the skills and strategies necessary to help youfind that hidden job or career.

Step #1, according to a recent survey conducted by the University of Missouri's Career Research Dept., is to develop a `Positive Attitude'. That is why we introduced our AIM (Attitude, Initiative, Motivation) theory. Everything begins with putting AIM in your heart.

Once `AIM'isestablished, and you are confident about your ability to begin your job and/or career search, you may customize your job search plan by choosing from the following list of strategies and services. Each of these is further explained on our `Services' page.

Successful Networking Techniques
Maintaining `AIM' in your job search (Attitude, Initiative, Motivation)
Job Search Checklist

Knowing that we are never alonein our job search is very comforting. AIM and the Gospel of Unemployment go hand in hand in establishing Faith, Hope and Confidence in our job search efforts.

DO include all of your contact information in your header including your name, phone number, email address and home address if you choose to include it. (Address is optional)

DON'T use more thantwo pages in your resume, preferrably one. The onlytime you would exceed 2 pages is if you have an abundance of education, certifications and/or quantifiable accomplishments.

DOcatch the attention of the reader within the first 20 seconds of reviewing your resume. This generally is the tophalf of page one.

DON'T ramble on about being a team player, good communicator or hard worker. Let them know what you can do for their organization.

You can put your trust in `Your Career Alternatives.
My name is Lee Savage and I have over 25 years experience in Human Resources and Job Placement. I have successfully coached over 500 individuals to find the job or career that they are best suited for. We are pleased to provide you with the tools to create your own customized job search plan.

Remember, I mentioned that this programwas an `Innovative' and `Customized' Job Search Strategy? The reason is . . . before we begin on the actual process of developing your Strategic Job Search Plan, we must stop and ask ourselves . . . "DO I HAVE `AIM' IN MY HEART?"

`AIM' is an acronym for Attitude, Initiative and Motivation. Without it, you will not develop the quality of a Job Search Plan that you deserve.

Did you know that most jobs are hidden? Our goal and promise is to provide you with all of the job search techniques to help you find that job or career.AIM willhelp youget there, and we will help put AIM in you heart!


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