Our number one priority is to help people find the right home, in the right neighborhood, at the right price, to suit their individual needs.
Coming to a new community like Fernandina Beach can be very perplexing. Each neighborhood has its own distinct subtleties, which are often not very apparent to a newcomer, but which can have a dramatic impact on the future enjoyment and ultimate value of one’s property.
At Amelia Island Properties we have all worked for larger national franchises, but have chosen the more personalized environment that Amelia Island Properties offers. While we do not enjoy the high volume of transactions of some of the national real estate chain franchises, I firmly believe we do have the highest overall percentage of extremely satisfied customers. Because we are independent and have low overheads, we are able to spend more time with each of our customers ensuring that we fully understand their individual needs and tastes.
The volatility in the current real estate market is unprecedented in recent times, and as such, having a knowledgeable realtor guide you in this market is crucial. There are a lot of very good buys out there, but what may have been a good buy last year or even a few months ago, may not be such a good buy in today’s market. Having an honest realtor, who puts your satisfaction above their commission, is critical in finding the best fit from both an esthetic as well as a commercial perspective.
In summary, you have our commitment to do our best to guide you through one of life’s biggest emotional and financial decisions.
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