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Diaz Michael Atty
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International litigation, arbitration, commercial law.
Address100 SE 2nd St Ste 1700 Miami, FL 33131-2158
Phone(305) 375-9220
Appeals and Trial Support
Bankruptcy, Creditors' Rights, Asset Collections and Liquidation Proceedings
Business Immigration, Family Immigration Lawyers

Financial Services, OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets and Control) Bank Secrecy Laws and Money-Laundering Compliance and Litigation
International and Domestic White-Collar Criminal Defense
International Corporate Bankruptcy, Creditors' Rights, Asset Collections and Liquidation Proceedings
International Fraud and Asset Recovery

International Mergers and Acquisitions
International Real Estate: Commercial and Residential

Lean, agile and on the ground in Latin America, Asia, the Middle East, Europe and the U.S., multiethnic and multilingual Diaz Reus attorneys, solicitors and consultants move with assurance and speed in legal and business venues around the globe. The result: a full spectrum of innovative and cost-effective solutions for sophisticated international clients.

Diaz, Reus & Targ, LLP, Platinum Sponsors at the 11th Annual FIBA Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Conference, February 24 & 25, 2011, Intercontinental Hotel, Miami, FL.
Diaz, Reus & Targ, LLP Patrocinadores Diamante, 4ta Conferencia Anual Latinoamericana sobre Lavado de Dinero de ACAMS, 17-19 de noviembre del 2010, Camino Real Polanco Mexico, Mexico D.F.
Diaz Reus and Targ LLP sponsors the Annual Gala of the India-US Chamber of South Florida with special guest Sanjiv Arora, Consul General of India, Intercontinental Hotel, Miami
Indias Global Expansion: Eyeing Latin America
Platinum Sponsors, Diaz, Reus & Targ, Present the ACCA's 2010 South Florida In-House Counsel CLE Conference; Fort Lauderdale Marriott North, September 23, 2010
Accin de la DEA provoc intervencin de casas de bolsa en Venezuela
Diaz, Reus & Targ Sponsors, ALTA Aviation Law Conference, Cancun, Mexico, September 8-10, 2010
"Are the Caribbean's Banks Treating Their Customers Fairly?"
Partner Robert Targ, Panelist, "Session VII: Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs) The issues", Twenty-Eighth International Symposium On Economic Crime, University of Cambridge, September 5-12, 2010
Michael Diaz Jr. Selected as a Top 30 Foreign Lawyer in Latin America By Latin Business Chronicle
Diaz, Reus & Targ, LLP Successfully Blunts Criminal Sentence For Taiwanese Businessmans OFAC Violation
"Miami attorneys, Diaz, Reus and Targ, LLP successfuly blunt criminal sentence for OFAC violation for Tawainese bussinessman"
Juez en NY Desestima Demanda de Banquero Venezolano
"Will Mexico's New Banking Sector Rules Have Their Intended Effect?"
BP Under Investigation
Understanding Anti-Corruption Issues In Latin America
Supreme Court Insider Commentary: Let's change the way justices are appointed
Perspectives: RICO Cases Can Be Double-Edge Swords
Asian And Middle Eastern Business Ethics Hit Latin America
Expo 2010 Shanghai: Latin America's Opportunity

Overturn of Montesinos award "almighty blow"
Conferencia: 'El ejercicio de la profesin de abogado en Estados Unidos'; Ponente: Marta Colomar Garca, Barcelona - Espaa, 21 de junio del 2010
Federal panel blocks reward in Peru spy capture
ProMexico Names Diaz Reus as Legal Representative at the World Expo in Shanghai, China
ProMexico Names Diaz Reus as Legal Representative at the World Expo in Shanghai
Inter-American Dialogue's Latin America Advisor - Financial Services
ProMxico chooses Diaz Reus for Shanghai World Expo
Mexico looks to World Expo to tap Chinese investors and promote trade
Michael Diaz Jr - JD Supra Contributor In Profile
U.S. Judge freezes Argentina assets
Class-action plaintiffs wont rush to Argentine debt swap
China Business Law Journal - Lithium: the new oil
Be Aware of the Dragon by the China Center at Rollins College and World Trade Center Orlando. Guest Speakers: Robert Q. Lee and Gary Davidson. April 22, 2010 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Galloway Room, Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida
2nd Annual Global Economic Crime Masterclass Series. Anti- Money Laundering Workshop's Guest Speakers: DRT's Shanghai Associates, Xin "Joe' Zhang & Xiaomin (Samantha) Hu. April 21-23, 2010, Hong Kong, China
Partner Carlos Gonzalez, Panelist at the GMCC Global Business Briefing: "Private Equity in Latin American; New Dawn New Opportunities". April 20, 2010, GMCC, Ray Goode-Ryder Conference Center, Miami, Florida.
Prolonging the Battle for Open Legal Markets
Jurisdiction update: Colombia AML
ABA China Law Reporter "Avoiding the Pitfalls of "Hidden Rules" Chinese Graft Laws and the FCPA
"Attorneys get arbitration enforced in Latin American airplane deal"
Diaz, Reus & Targ, LLP Platinum Sponsors, Marcus Evans Conference; Prevencion y Mitigacion del Fraude en la Empresa. Sheraton Maria Isabel Hotel & Towers, Cuidad de Mexico, 4-5 Marzo, 2010
Michael Diaz, Jr. y Carlos Gonzalez Conferencistas, Los cruces entre el lavado de dinero y los fraudes financieros, esquemas piramidales, Ponzi y otros, las mejores prcticas y controles para evitar ser vctimas, Conferencias Marcus Evans. 4-5 Marzo
"Florida court upholds aircraft leasing award"
China Business Law Journal "Caribbean oil storage deal demonstrates Chinas regional ambitions"
Diaz, Reus & Targ, LLP, Sponsors at the 12th Annual NASALSA Conference. Sumeet Chugani, Panelist: Making the Most of Law School, Advice from Recent Graduates. Washington, DC, February 26-28, 2010.
Managing Partner Michael Diaz, Jr. and Partner Carlos F. Gonzalez, will speak on Financial Fraud, AML, and Terrorist Financing. Partner Robert I. Targ, Moderator,Law Enforcement and AML. 10th Annual FIBA Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Conference.
Jurisdiction update: Venezuela AML
BABC Panel Discussion & Cocktail Reception; Carlos F. Gonzalez, Partner, Diaz, Reus & Targ, LLP, Moderator, Panel Discussion: AML Compliance in Latin America: Overcoming Challenges & Recognizing Successes. Chophouse Miami, February 17, 2010. &
8th International Litigation and Arbitration Conference; Panelist: Gary E. Davidson, Partner, Diaz, Reus & Targ, LLP, Hot Topics In International Litigation. February 12, 2010, The Conrad Hotel, Miami, FL.
Diaz Reus makes the ALB China Watchlist 2010 "10 firms earmarked for big things in 2010"
Partner Robert Q. Lee, Panelist at the Mundell International Finance and Capital Forum 2010, Harbin, China, January 21, 2010
Per defender no pagar la recompensa por la captura de Montesinos
Inter-American Dialogue - Financial Services Advisor
China Business Law Journal "China and Latin America: striking a new balance"
Inter-American Dialogues Latin America Advisor Financial Services
Dubai: A High Rise, Then a Steep Fall
"Judge's Pursuit of Pinochet Funds Could Open Legal Avenues for Asset Forfeitures"
People of Interest: Fraud, Felony and Corruption: Michael Diaz Jr.
Diaz Reus' Partner, Carlos F. Gonzalez, Finalist for Key Partners Awards 2009 for International Law Category by South Florida Business Journal
Diaz, Reus & Targ, LLP Co-Host the 2009 In-House Congress, Shanghai, China, Speaker: Partner Carlos Gonzalez "How to Manage International Disputes as an In-House Counsel; November 10th, 2009, Renaissance Shanghai Pudong Hotel.
Diaz, Reus & Targ, LLP Sponsor the WorldCity CEO Club October 30th, 2009, 8-9:30 a.m. Exclusively for the top local official with South Florida's 1,200 multinationals in WorldCity's Who's Here.
ABA 2009 Fall Meeting, Diaz Reus' Partner, Carlos Gonzalez, Panel Speaker "Nuts & Bolts of Islamic Finance" October 29, 2009, Miami Beach, FL
The 6th China International Finance Forum, Michael Diaz, Jr., Speaker "Financial Service Agency: Analysis on Law, Finance and Public Strategy for Enterprise Listing" October 24, 2009, Shanghai, China
IBA 2009 Madrid Conference, Managing Partner, Michael Diaz, Jr., Panel Speaker: Consumer Litigation "Unfair commercial practices: is there effective consumer protection?", October 5th, 2009, Madrid, Spain
Partner Brant Hadaway, speaker at the International Money Transmitters Convention (IMTC 2009). "Handling and Reporting of Suspicious Activity". October 4th, 2009 at 10:00 AM, Intercontinental Hotel, Downtown Miami

Diaz, Reus & Targ, LLP Sponsors LexisNexis The 4th Annual Conference on Dispute Avoidance and Resolution, September 24 & 25, 2009 in Shanghai, China
Join us in Celebrating the Grand Opening of Diaz, Reus & Targ, LLP, Shanghai Representative Office, September 24, 2009, Shanghai, China
Diaz Reus & Targ, LLP Sponsors at Latin Finance's Latin America China Investors Forum, September 23 & 24, 2009, in Beijing China. Partner, Robert Q. Lee will speak on Infrastructure Investing in Long-Term Assets
Partner Robert Lee nominated "The Strategists" HOT 25 2009 The Legal High Flyers of the Year by ALB China Magazine
Partner Robert Lee nominated "The Strategist" ALB HOT 100: The hottest lawyers of 2009 by Asian Legal Business Magazine
ALB Special Report: China 09 Competition from local firms intensifies & The Diaz Reus competitive advantage.
"Fraud victims may benefit from UBS' disclosure"
The China Business Review "China's Rising Interest in Latin America"
Global crisis has spanked the Caribbean and the bad news just keeps coming.
International Law Firm Diaz, Reus & Targ, LLP "The Bridge Between China and Latin America"
"Lawyer Michael Diaz, Jr., Says Financial Fraud Victims May Benefit From Swiss Bank's Disclosures"

Green buildings: Opportunities and risks
WorldCity's Global Connections - China - The Land of Opportunities - Partner Robert Lee guest speaker.
V Conferencia Internacional - Antilavado de Dinero y Contra el Financiamiento al Terrorismo, Michael Diaz, Jr. participa entre "Los Mejores Oradores" su tema "Ponzi, Madoff y Stanford: Anatoma de Fraude", en Caracas, Venezuela el 15 y 16 de Julio del 200
Green Building Surge in the Middle East Poses Opportunities and Risks for Businesses
Diaz, Reus & Targ, LLP, Sponsors Mercado de Dinero Breakfast Event, Hyatt Regency in Coral Gables, Miami, FL
Diaz, Reus & Targ, LLP Sponsors the 2009 Procurement Fraud Seminar, July 9 & 10, Shanghai, China. Associates Joe Zhang and Samantha Hu speak on "Conducting an effective and comprehensive fraud investigation to combat procurement fraud within
Inter-American Dialogue's - Latin America Advisor

"Chinese airline awarded US$1.7 million judgment against Florida flight school"
"Big Game Asset Hunters"

Federal lawsuit claims fraud in Dominican deals
Michael Diaz, Jr., Managing Partner for international law firm Diaz Reus & Targ, selected as 2009 Power Player

Diaz Reus & Targ, LLP Sponsors at the Security Tech Breakfast hosted by the British Consulate in New York City, May 21, 2009. Among the Panelist are partners Carlos Gonzalez & Brant Hadaway.
Diaz Reus' Robert Lee, Margarita Muina & Vincent Li spoke on "Tax planning and outbound investment strategies for US companies." at the China Economic Review, Window to China-Wujin Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, May 20, 2009
Cuadro de Honor: El bufete de abogados Diaz Reus alcanza clasificacion AV en directorio Martindale Hubbell
Corporate Formations in association with: Diaz, Reus & Targ, LLP
Asian-Counsel Special Report - United Arab Emirates
Michael Daz, de Daz-Reus, elegido SOUTH FLORIDA BUSINESS LEADER del 2009
25 firmas venezolanas deben aclarar cuentas con la DEA
Carlos Gonzalez and Arti Sangar present a guide to finding the right lawyer.
El lavado de dinero, las legislaciones y las autoridades reguladoras desde la prespectiva de Michael Diaz
The 2009 Power Players by Business Leader, South Florida Edition
Banker Middle East
Intentan rescatar recursos ligados al caso Rosemont
Operadores venezolanos buscan rescatar fondos congelados en EEUU
Corredores de bolsa venezolanos buscan rescatar fondos congelados en EEUU
Diaz Reus' Managing Partner, Michael Diaz, Jr., selected Business Leader of the Year for 2009
Venezuela's parallel dollar market slows to a crawl
Corredores viajan a Florida a caboldear por el caso Rosemont
Pesquisa en EEUU golpea el mercado de divisas venezolano
U. S. Seizure Slams Market for Dollars in Venezuela
Diaz Reus' attorneys Brant Hadaway and Vincent Li speakers at the U.M. Law Review's 2009 Symposium
EEUU arresta hombre en investigacin que impact a casas de bolsa locales
Empresa EEUU defiende legalidad de operaciones con venezolanos
US Money Laundering Case Halts Dollar Trading In Venezuela
Diaz Reus & Targ, LLP, Partners, Gary E. Davidson and Carlos F. Gonzalez to speak at the 7th Annual International Litigation & Arbitration Conference on March 14th, 2009, Coral Gables, FL
Chile Sues Four Banks Over Pinochet Ties
Diaz Reus & Targ, LLP, Partner, Gary Davidson, Panelist at the ICDR's 7th Annual Miami International Arbitration Conference, "Developing a Corporate Dispute Resolution Policy", Miami, FL
Venezuela: Michael Daz asesora a venezolanos angustiados vctima de Stanford
Vida y xito felicita a Michael Diaz, Jr. por ser nominado 'Business Leader of the year'
Michael Diaz, Jr., Managing Partner, Diaz Reus - Guest Speaker at the World City 2009 4th Annual Multinational "Who's Here" Celebration
Diaz Reus & Targ, LLP, Sponsor of the World City 2009 4th Annual Multinational "Who's Here" Celebration
Shanghai-based Diaz Reus attorneys Joe Zhang, Federico Tabja, and Samantha Hu, Speak at the Investment in Cixi Economic Development Zone, in Shanghai, China
Diaz Reus & Targ, LLP, Partners Michael Diaz, Jr. and Robert I. Targ discussed the role of bank counsel during criminal investigations and how financial institutions can protect themselves, at the 9th Annual FIBA AML Compliance Conference, Mia
Diaz Reus' Managing Partner, Michael Diaz, Jr., Speaker at the Latin Finance Conference, The Latin-American Mid-East Investors Forum in Dubai, UAE regarding the legal risks of doing business in Latin American for UAE investors
Weston man awarded $8.2M in Peru spy case
Michael Diaz, Jr., Carlos F. Gonzalez and Gary E. Davidson of Diaz Reus presented Mock Arbitration as Lead Sponsors at the "Lexis Nexis Third Annual Conference on Dispute Avoidance and Resolution", Beijing, China - October 13 & 14, 2008


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