Need A Local Locksmith Service? No problem! We are located in Aventura FL. We have a staff of licensed and bonded locksmith technicians, exclusively. They are all trained and experienced. Unanticipated events occur all the time. So when your key breaks off in the lock or you simply cannot find your keys, don't panic, just call Aventura Locksmith. Aventura Locksmith specialize in emergency lockouts which range from automotive lockout, residential lockout, or commercial lockouts locally in Aventura FL. Replacement keys can be made, broken keys extracted, locks repaired, safes opened, and practically any other locksmith service that can be performed. Call Aventura Locksmith now to get the help you need and our trained dispatchers will direct your call to our experienced locksmiths in Aventura FL. Our average response time is 10-15 minutes. Aventura Locksmith Accepts All Major Credit Cards.