Welcome to Miami Essential Dental by Dr. Reynaldo Pita, your favorite dentist in Miami! Our office offers comprehensive dental care for the entire family. Our friendly and experienced staff will help you achieve the smile you’ve always dreamed of having. Our dentist and staff are devoted to developing long-lasting relationships with our patients—a dental haven where patients can feel at home and trust us with our expertise.
Your dental health is our main priority, and that’s why we offer emergency dental services with same-day services for patients having discomfort or tooth pain. Our dentist, Dr. Pita, has over 15 years of experience in dentistry and loves to focus on special treatments such as smile design, tooth replacement procedures, full smile-make overs, and oral surgery procedures. Our state-of-the-art office is fully equipped with the most advanced technology the industry has to offer; our patients can rest assured that they will be provided with the finest treatment possible.