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Florida Health Quotes
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Florida health insurance plans for individuals and groups: major medical PPO plans, individual dental insurance, temporary health insurance,
Address400 E Colonial Dr Orlando, FL 32803-4535
Phone(407) 425-9347

Florida health insurance premiums have never been higher. If you are looking for more affordable Florida health or Life Insurance coverage you have come to the right place. Hegeman Insurance Brokerage was founded in 1996 and since then our Orlando health insurance agency has been helping our clients find affordable rates from the strongest, "A" rated carriers here in Florida. We're glad you're here, welcome to our Florida health insurance website!

Start by comparing 30+ of the newest and most affordable health insurance plans in Florida. We offer one of the largest and most complete selections on the web. Our online Florida health insurance quoting system is state-of-the-art and allows you to compare rates instantly and in a side-by-side format. Check rates from Aetna, United, Humana, Celtic and Assurant to name a few. Your information is protected by VeriSign and the strongest secure socket layer (SSL) encryption technology available for e-commerce 24/7/365. When checking carriers remember that the numerous quotes you see are only the tip of the iceberg. There are 100's of plans out there. Use our our short online form and we can make your shopping experience a lot more effective, particularly if you have preexisting conditions like height/weight issues, smoking, high blood pressure etc. It will put your information in front of us just as fast as a phone call and guarantee an agent will be assigned to you immediately.
Florida Health Insurance Quotes
Did you know that premiums can't vary from one source to the next? Premiums on each health insurance plans are fixed by Florida Department of Insurance law. Surprised? It's true, you can not find a better price anywhere for the same health insurance plan from a particular health insurance company. No matter where you look (assuming you are not getting a verbal quote); if you find a lower price then you are not comparing the same plan or you are using a different zip code! It makes your job a little easier, no need to negotiate or jump from one website to the next searching for a better deal. Buying a plan through an agent or broker doesn't drive up your cost one thin dime.

A short call to (407) 425-9347 will get our immediate help with quotes from multiple carriers and rates on a plan that fits your needs perfectly. Use our short online form and we can help you find affordable insurance coverage. Contacting us will ensure you are getting the best plan for your situation. NOT ALL CARRIERS PARTICIPATE IN THE ONLINE QUOTING SYSTEMS YOU WILL FIND ON THIS AND OTHER HEALTH INSURANCE WEBSITES AND THE RATES YOU DO FIND AUTOMATICALLY QUOTED DON'T REFLECT FINAL RATES BASED ON YOUR MEDICAL HISTORY.


This Accident Medical Expense Insurance covers your expenses up to the benefit amount you select. Three benefit options available that will pay you up to $10,000, $5,000 or $2,500 per covered accident depending on the plan you choose.

Our office is located in downtown Orlando. We are an independent, insurance brokerage agency that offers personalized service to the small business owner and the self employed. Whether its' major medical plan, Florida Disability income insurance coverage (How long could your current standard of living last if your income stream were interrupted?), temporary health insurance, dental insurance, LIFE INSURANCE or a Health Savings Account, you will not find better service or lower rates, anywhere. Since 1996 we've been one of the largest online agencies offering our clients unbiased access to a COMPLETE cross section of the top "A" rated Florida insurance carriers.

Fed up with the soaring cost of health insurance, seemingly random underwriting rules, denied claims and canceled coverage? Ever bother to read and compare the "Limitations and Exclusions Sections" of a policy when shopping online? We do. Searching for affordable plans with bullet proof protection can be a mind numbing, and costly experience for the novice.

7.) help you with other insurance needs.
The services of a licensed health insurance broker are free. The commission is paid entirely by the carrier and built into the pricing structure regardless of who you buy the coverage from. The carrier is prohibited from selling the policy any cheaper if an individual does not use an independent agent.

Temporary Health Insurance in Florida Have you had trouble getting approved on a traditional health insurance plan? Are COBRA costs killing you? Do you have health issues involving abnormal test results (pap smears etc.), non-insulin Type 2 Diabetes, cholesterol/blood pressure, allergies, height and weight, smoking or tobacco products, mental and nervous disorders? Short Term health insurance is very easy to qualify for with only about 5 medical questions.

Disability Insurance Have you considered what would happen to your income if you were sick or disabled for an extended period of time?

Individual disability insurance is truly a basic concept. It is an insurance product designed to replace anywhere from 45-60% of your gross income on a tax-free basis should a sickness or illness prevent you from earning an income in your occupation. Every disability insurance policy from every insurance company is very different, this is not a product to simply shop for the most competitive rate. To buy the cheapest disability insurance policy on the market is to throw money away. The odds of getting paid a monthly benefit under a cheap contract may be significantly lower than receiving benefits from a quality contract. The goal of this site is to provide you with a resource to find out which plan is best for you. Our Orlando Agency has over 14 years experience providing clients with Disability Insurance protection in the event of a serious accident or illness. If you are interested in finding out more about how this vital form of insurance can help you please follow this link on disability insurance

Florida health insurance doesn't have to be expensive. Read this short article on a safe way to cut your premiums in half while still maintaining the core coverage you need.

Did you know that if you have had Breast Cancer and have been free of treatment for two years or more you can not be declined for health insurance in Florida? This assumes you are applying with a health insurance carrier domiciled in Florida. Association plans domiciled in other States are not subject to these requirements

When you obtain an insurance plan from this office, we makes ourselves available whenever needed to answer questions; assist with filing claims; provide timely reviews and keep you informed of industry trends. So feel free to explore our website and let us know if we can help in anyway...your Orlando health insurance agency.

Health insurance premiums have gotten expensive here in Orlando! That may be one of the larger understatements you'll hear this decade. Forced into higher deductible plans or even do without coverage entirely, many find themselves struggling to fund even the most basic of medical tests. With those thoughts in mind we have assembled a list of useful resources in the Orlando area of where to locate health tests that won't cost an arm and a leg, as well as some related ideas that might come in handy down the road.

Health care reform sets in motion this fall as the initial provisions take effect. From 100 percent coverage for preventive care to the expansion of dependent coverage to age 26, to big decisions about grandfathering, the Affordable Care Act is changing U.S. health care. Want to know how it affects you? Give us a call with questions about the provisions listed above plus the dozen or so others that are already impacting business.

Florida Hospital Fish Memorial: Orange City, Fl - just off I-4. Inexpensive blood work on the 2nd Tuesday of every month. No doctor prescription necessary, no appointments, 7:30-9:30 a.m.

ANY LAB TEST NOW is a healthcare lab testing facility that provides thousands of standard lab tests to consumers and employers in a professional, convenient and cost-effective way. No appointment or doctor referral needed, anonymous, results in 24 hrs.. Call: 407.574.5554 Florida Discount Drug Card Program; prescription coverage for seniors age 60 and over, 1-800.361.4542
Affordable coverage comes at a price, usually in the form of higher deductibles. 1.) Lower your costs by staying in your PPO network. Discounts of as much as 60% are not uncommon for certain tests and procedures. 2.) Prices for diagnostic tests vary depending on the testing center you call. Just ask your provider for the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code and then you can comparison shop on tests as well.
Do you need inexpensive, clinically proven and FDA approved tests for such conditions as Anemia, H.I.V., Diabetes, Colon Cancer, Kidney function, Allergies, Urinary Tract Infections, Thyroid tests...more info that will save you money.
Healthcare USA Offers BIG Savings On other diagnostic tests if you have a high deductible Florida health insurance plan more info

Diabetes Foot Check Clinic: 1 to 4:30 p.m. Wednesdays; Health First Wound Management & Hyperbaric Center, 5191 S. Babcock St. N.E., Palm Bay; free, appointment required. Details: 321-434-4335
Energy Medicine and the Daily Energy Routine:1:30-2:30 p.m. third Monday of the month; M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Orlando, 1414 Kuhl Ave., Orlando; free. Details: 321-843-2584
Huntington's Disease Support Group: 4 p.m. fourth Sunday of each month; Florida Hospital Assessment Center, 525 E. King St., Orlando; free. Details: 407-865-4033
Lung cancer: 5:30-6:45 p.m. second Tuesday of each month; American Lung Association Central Area office, 851 Outer Road, Orlando. Details: 407-425-5864
Lupus Support Group: 1 p.m. second Saturday of each month; Winter Park Memorial Hospital Library, 200 N. Lakemont Ave.; free. Details: 407-339-9648
Man to Man Prostate Cancer Education and Support Group: guest speakers on select dates by the American Cancer Society; free. Details: 407-833-7635
Orlando Bipolar and Depression Support Group: meetings in Seminole and Orange counties; 407-230-1046
Individual Dental Insurance Save 30% to 60% on dental care, NO waiting periods, low monthly premiums, no maximum on benefits! Designed for individuals, families and groups looking to save money on dental care services. You have the freedom to choose from over 30 top quality national and regional plans. Also, depending on the plan chosen, you may even save on dental specialty services like oral surgery, dentures, braces, extractions, periodontal work and even root canals. NO WAITING PERIODS, preexisting conditions covered from day one, NO DOLLAR CAP LIMITS, PLANS START AT $10.40/MONTH...
Free Melanoma Testing: Every Monday between 3:30-5:30, Dr. William Steele MD, 9430 Turkey Lake Rd., Ste. 212, Orlando, Fl 32819 - (407) 363-7723
HIV Testing: 5:30-7:30 p.m. Tuesdays; Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Community Center, 946 N. Mills Ave., Orlando, Florida; free; 407-228-8272.
Diabetes...Foot Check Clinic: 1 to 4:30 p.m. Wednesdays; Health First Wound Management & Hyperbaric Center, 5191 S. Babcock St. N.E., Palm Bay; free, appointment required; 321-434-4335
Free Vision Screenings: Orange County Health Dept. 1st Friday of each month 1:00-4:00 pm 1st Floor, Main Building 832 West Central Boulevard Orlando, Florida 32805...

An effective employee wellness program will provide a 300-600% ROI over a three-year period through decreased healthcare, sick time and disability costs, as well as improved recruitment, retention and employee engagement. The result of this research has been a two-fold increase in the number of organizations that have launched wellness programs for their employees in just the past year. Call us for details.


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