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Organize This Inc
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Organize This! from Mess to Success. Let me show you how. So.
Address3545 S Ocean Blvd Apt 306 Palm Beach, FL 33480-6417
Phone(561) 315-4232
From Mess to Success!
We can help you be more productive by getting organized. Clutter is only cleared by eliminating procrastinaton and by letting go of the emotions tied to things. Stop wasting energy, start by setting a date with yourself to begin that desk or closet project. If you can't do it yourself, that's what a Professional Organizer does, MAKES THE TIME AND DOES THE JOB.

Marlene Ashdown has now become a Quickbooks Advisor, certified through Intuit, to do your bookeeping and keep you and your business on track. We will also train you to clean out the computer, setting up bill paying through the internet, or manage your e-mails. We'll help you find some time for your own life and fun!

To learn more about us, click any item on our menu. If you have comments or questions, let us know by clicking Contact Us. Thanks for visiting and be sure to check back often for updated information.

Don't miss the next workshop scheduled the beginning of each semester at Lantana Middle Community School. This 3 hour seminar will provide many helpful ideas and suggestions to help get your home, office or life organized. Call the School for details, 561-540-3407.

If you missed these, check back here or watch for other seminars in the newspapers starting in your area.
We look forward to seeing you there!

Now its the height of summer you may well be tempted to delay decluttering until the autumn. After all who wants to sort out their cupboards on a beautiful sunny day! The only problem is until getting organised becomes a priority there will always be a reason to procrastinate. Ive worked with many clients who regretted leaving it until things were completely out of hand. People often say they feel like their possessions are malevolent and taking over. They swear that half the stuff has just appeared magically in their homes.

So this month were going to look at both the costs of having a cluttered home and the benefits youll reap from sorting it out.

First Id like to have a quick recap of what clutter actually is. Clutter is anything you havent used or worn in the last year and its things you dont enjoy having around you or cherish in some way. Heres ten examples of true clutter

Shoes that are the wrong size
Expensive crystal wine glasses you were given as a wedding present and cant stand
Odd socks that have been lying around solo for more than a month

So why bother to declutter this stuff? After all its been around for ages what difference will it make to keep it for another few months or years?

It is very stressful trying to find important things like your car keys, passport or cheque book if they are submerged under a pile of junk. If you have a lot of clutter then it can easily lead to feeling overwhelmed, hopeless and even depressed as you fight your possessions.

The homes we live in cost us money either in mortgage payments or rental costs. If you live in a two bedroom flat think how much of that money you are actually paying out to store junk and cardboard boxes in your spare room.

Clutter also costs because so many people I work with end up buying new items because they cant find the old Ive known people buy new blenders, makeup, bags and even cameras and camcorders because they cant find the original.

For anyone with a phobia about opening the post the cost of unpaid fines can soon mount up too!

All this searching for lost stuff, shopping for replacements or simply navigating your way round all the objects in your home can take up a lot of your valuable time. Wouldnt you rather get organised and have time to relax and read a book or meet a friend instead?

Clutter takes up a lot of physical space. As few of us live in mansions, we need to maximise the storage in our homes and make it feel as spacious as possible. Junk and unwanted stuff will stand in the way of us having a relaxing home.

The Benefits of Decluttering
So youre wasting space, time, money and getting stressed into the bargain. Now weve counted the cost of clutter, its time to look at the benefits of decluttering. Personally I believe that letting go of clutter can be a life-changing experience. Im going to let people Ive worked with tell you what how it transformed their lives both in big and small ways.

"I still cant believe that living alone I had enough junk to fill a skip! Saying goodbye to it feels like some huge block is out of the way and I can finally explore my plans to move out of London" - Katy

"When I saw how easily my boys filled charity bags with their toys I realised they werent as bothered about stuff as Id thought. I started to feel less guilty about being a supermum. Stopped compensating my kids with things because I work full time" - Jane

"It helped me to reclaim and begin to reshape my home after my divorce. I no longer needed to treat myself to endless DVDs and gadgets to make myself feel better" - George

"I feel like I can breathe again. I sent 3 carloads to charity and Im not done yet. I was shocked at how much makeup Id bought and Im not going to buy anything for the next 3 months. I chucked out most of my tatty bags and treated myself to a Prada one which feels great." Mary

"My desk was so bad that I used to turn it into a joke. Now its organised I feel like Im much more on top of work and my colleagues are treating me with more respect. Its great to be able to find things when Im on the phone now instead of having to call people back all the time." - John

So next time youre thinking of delaying, think what a difference it could make to your life.
no more clutter newsletter for August 2004


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