Pet sitting services are an excellent alternative to boarding your pets.
A Pet Sitting Service began as "4 My K9 Pet Sitting Service" and was founded in 2001 with the idea of providing service to pet owners that exceeds expectations. We wanted to provide the kind of service that we would expect for our own pets...our babies.
Since our first day on the job, we have provided reliable, responsible pet sitting services. We provide daily walks and visits... while you're on vacation or at work, short-term, long-term and last minute emergencies - we are here for you!
We are experienced professionals, dedicated to caring for animals. We are bonded and insured for your safety.
What makes us different?
We our members of both local (Tampa, Clearwater, St. Petersburg area networking) and international pet sitting organizations and have received training and accreditation (more training). This is our job, we take caring for your pets very seriously.
When can you use a pet sitter?
If you're not available, we are! We can take care of your pets while you are:
Our Service Areas
We provide service in the following areas:
Countryside area of Clearwater
Other areas may be serviced at an additional fee.
Call today to learn more and to obtain a no obligation quote.
Office hours are Monday - Friday, 9a to 6p. However, messages are checked through out the day, every day.
We might be with a pet when you call, if that's the case, be sure to leave a message and your call will be returned promptly.
Northlake Animal Hospital provides the highest standard of veterinary care for your pets. We bring friendly, informative, and supportive services to you and your pet.