Pookie Bros. Pet Sitting, based in Longwood, FL, provides professional pet care in your home! Now, when you travel, your pets can remain in the comfort and safety of the friendly environment they enjoy every day.
Kathleen Prince (pictured) and her husband Scottie have nearly a decade of experience working with rescue animals and sharing their own home with a variety of creatures. Since 1997, Pookie Bros. Pet Sitting has cared for hundreds of happy pets.
Pookie Bros. Pet Sitting is the The ORIGINAL Pookie... we are not affiliated with any storefront in the Orlando area!
Pookie Bros. Pet Sitting is licensed and insured. Personal & professional references are available upon request.
Welcome to All Pet’s Grooming, aka BJ’s Pet Grooming. I have well over 50 years experience in the pet grooming industry and have personally groomed some very exotic animals. Non-toxic pet dyes.