"There's no place like Concord Street!" We hear this time after time as our members visit other congregations and compare the experience withtheir lives asmembers here. The warmth and friendliness is second to none.
Ten years ago my family and I first worshipped with Concord Street.Few people really knew us, but soon after entering the building we were warmly welcomed by all.The Christians were genuinely interested in us(we were visiting, not interviewing) and we found the worship serviceto be scriptural and the membersenthusiastic. The singing washeartfelt and the audience wasresponsive to the prayers and the reading and preaching of God's word. Thecongregationworshipped together!These descriptions coincide with Paul's admonition to "speak the truth in love" (Ephesians 4:15).
"Truth" and "love" reflect the balance that the church is to have in its work. First there is a concern for God's truth. Second, there must be a love for souls. This is the plan for God's church as it is busy teaching the gospel and maintaining a love for truth.
When you come to visit us, you will find a warm, diverse congregation thatexpects book, chapter and verse preaching. Here, the truth is spoken in love. That's why I am confident in our slogan, "Where your heart has a home."
Eternal Father, strong to save, Whose Arm hath bound the restless wave, Who bids the mighty ocean deep its own appointed limits keep; Oh, hear us when we cry to Thee, for those in peril of the sea! -Navy Hymn, 1860.
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Weekly devotionals on campus of UCF--call Dan Cawthon for more information 407.423.4301
Meal preparation and serving at the Coalition for the Homeless (2nd Thursday of each month) and families staying at the Ronald McDonald House (4th Tuesday of each month)
Monthly birthday party for children at the homeless shelter
Quarterly devotional on 5th Sunday 2:30pm at Westminster Nursing Home
Lads to Leaders/Leaderettes service training on Sunday evenings
Singing practice after PM worship in room 135 (one hour)