In 2005 UPHOLDIN Inc. (a Delaware corporation) was born from a logo that literally came in a dream and was sketched onto the back of an old pay stub in October 1995. When the company was incorporated, it was intended to be an online media, search and entertainment portal. However it did not turn out that way. So; a decision was made to re-invent the company. It took some time to think things through and then the Ahah Moment happened.
Why not make UPHOLDIN into a holding and operating company?
Being that UPHOLDIN owns over one hundred great domain names. We thought, why not incubate and grow original content sites aimed at niche audiences across the web.
During the incubation phase of each initiative, UPHOLDIN will put a staff in place to manage and grow the sites content while in its beta mode, and that same staff will foster its growth on through.
So now; UPHOLDIN solely aims to wholly own or own interest in a broad range of interactive media, e-commerce, entertainment and communication businesses.