The Business Connections groups will bring you and your business together with the right type businesses that will be able to work with you assisting you grow your business through extended business circles increasing your exposure to qualified clients and referrals, they will become your extended sales team. Review our Most Wanted page to see just a sample of the connections you will make.
Our Elevator Speech
Who is in your referral circle?
Orlando business referral leads groups
Business Connections of Central Florida have created a business forum of exclusive groups of Orlando businesses providing a professional Orlando business networking referral and hot leads groups. The purposes of the groups are to provide ongoing referrals to its members through weekly and monthly meetings. To find a Meetup group near you click on the locations page. We train you through our weekly meetings to turn leads into qualified referrals.
What is a Lead?
“I think I have someone who may need your services”
What is a Referral?
I have someone who needs your services”
What is a Qualified Referral?
“I have someone who needs your services and I have contacted them and told them that you will call them and they are expecting your call”
Business Connections is a business referral organization that leaves the competition behind because of the winning teams created within. Each group has exclusive categories to promote qualified referrals. The qualified referrals produced from our weekly meetings speak for themselves as a testimonial to the value the business referral groups provide.