- Secure paper shredding and document destruction services
Every business has an obligation to protect their clients information. Professional Shredding is the only way to ensure your client's privacy and protection. Documents that need to be destroyed before discarding are as follows: account data, bank statements, brainstorming notes, canceled checks, copies of checks, customers data, drafts of visitor logs, contracts, education records, employee information, estimates, insurance information, internal memos, loan information, market analysis, medical information, misprinted copies, patient information, payroll information, phone logs, purchase orders, shipping data, social security numbers, supplier information, tax information and training information.
Last Updated (Wednesday, 08 September 2010 13:26)
The most important reason to shred certain documents is security. Identity theft is on the rise, so protecting your clients vital information is not only important, but you have a moral and legal obligation to safeguard your clients. Your or your company can suffer from legal and regulatory violations that can result from not destroying sensitive documents. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that once items are discarded and left for waste collection, they are no longer protected as private property.
All material is shredded at your location, and we never touch your confidential documents. Your documents are deposited directly into the shredder automatically. We do not sift through your material or hand feed the shredder.