NYCFGTS is more than a seminary. We are A National Association of Christian Counselors, Ministers, and Churches.
Checkout the NYC Association and see if this is a fellowship of believers that you would like to be a part of...more
Inside you will learn more about NYC's statement of Faith, the mission and it's dedication to good sound bibical teaching.
NYC will also show the people within the organization and how they are here to serve you....more
Won't You Help Us?
Won't you partner with us so that NYCFGTS can continue to teach and minister God's word. Any amount of a love offering would be a great blessing to this ministry. Pray and see how God will direct you in helping with the seminary's needs......God bless from all of us at NYCFGTS........
New York City Full Gospel Theological Seminary distance learning programs brings the classroom right into your home. Study when you have time in a relaxed atmosphere. The different curriculums of divinity studies being offered will prepare you to being certified, licensed or ordained through NYCFGTS.
Do you feel the calling to sheperd a flock, teach and preach the word of God? Maybe you feel led to counsel others who are in a crisis then WHY wait any longer. Study at NYC and fulfill what God has called you to do.
We at NYCFGTS are excited that the seminary has been brought to the Internet. It has been a vision for sometime to offer distance learning bible and counseling studies to individuals who otherwise cannot afford big school Tuitions.
Department of Spanish Ministries and Educational Studies
We invite you to visit the department of Spanish Ministries and Education of NYCFGTS. It is here that you will obtain the necessary information to know what steps to take to enroll in the Seminary or to petition a letter of Membership from our Ministers Association. You will also find useful suggestions for the study courses, Biblical studies and credentials. There are also contact information to help you reach the Spanish speaking Instructors and Supervisors.
In God’s peace we extend you a cordial welcome.
Les invitamos a que viste el departamento de educacion y ministerios del NYCFGTS en Espanol. Es aqui que hallara toda la informacion necesaria para conocer los pasos de matricula en el Seminario; o para dirigir una peticion de miembro a nuestro departamento de Ministros Asociado. Tambien encontrara sugerencias para los cursos y estudios Biblicos y para los credenciales. Quedara informado de los contactos con Instructores y Supervisores de habla Hispana. Para visitar la pagina en Espanol favor de aser “click en la columna a la isquierda donde indica “Spanish Department
En la paz del Senor, les estendemos la mas cordial bienvenidad.
NYC Full Gospel Theological Seminary will show you how easy it is to study and receive the credentials needed to become a pastor or pastoral counselor....
At NYC Theological Seminary you have different degree programs to choose from....More