Planning Communities is very excited to launchour new website -- Keep checking in as content is being updated daily!
Planning Communities, LLC is a small, women-owned business providing a wide range of multi-disciplinary planning services for local, state and federal governmental agencies, neighborhood/community organizations, and private entities. Planning Communities integrates and draws from the best of many disciplines. The principals and partners of Planning Communities are at the forefront of leading institutional initiatives in local, state, and federal government.
Our expertise and background allow us to provide integrative planning solutions to the transportation industry. Transportation and community planning services include community outreach and facilitation, visioning/scenario planning, long range/comprehensive planning, corridor planning, small area planning, and interagency coordination.
We have offices in Raleigh, North Carolina (Headquarters), Charlotte, NC, Chicago, Illinois, Seattle, Washington and Orlando, Florida.
**Planning Communities is pleased to announce they are now a certified DBE in Tennessee in addition to North Carolina and Florida!**
City of Charlotte Brownfield Grant Assessment
Town of Cary, NC - Green Level Church Road
City of Raleigh / Capital Area Transit Short Range Transit Plan and Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization 2025 Transit Plan
IL83/137 CSS - IDOT
Triangle Transit - Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill NC
Piedmont Area Regional Transit (PART)
Safe Routes to Schools - Wilson NC
Statewide Environmental Management System - TDOT
US30 - Illinois
We are very excited to announce the addition of several new employees:
Hannah LitzenbergerPlanning Intern - University of Washington