Nature's Botanical Pharmacy is a Distribution Company of fine herbal products, formulated and produced by the top practitioners and companies throughout the world, as well as the best educational tools we can find. Our main product line was formulated and produced by Dr. Robert Morse and Blessed Herbs.
Dr. Morse is considered the Father of Detoxification and one of the world's greatest healers. His products (God's Herbs) are used the world over by herbal practitioners, clinics and lay people alike.
Blessed Herbs is one of the finest herb companies on the market today. Their unique processing, along with their 55-ton press, high quality controls, and integrity, equals some of the strongest and most potent herbal products available.
As stated, Nature's Botanical Pharmacy is dedicated to distributing the most powerful and high quality herbal products available today. Education is a top priority in the herbal health field, especially when it comes to detoxification when one applies a Living (Raw) Food Diet with organic, highly energized & magnetized herbal formulas, designed for specific systems of the body, one can eliminate all (dis-ease) conditions that nab faces. It is important to understand that just because one health modality cannot cure anything, it doesn't mean others cannot! Explore and educate yourself to the natural laws of true health and vitality at any age!
We live in times where there is a lot of confusion and suppression of the truth. So it is vital that one develops a good foundation in the fundamentals of how the body works and what causes it to break down.
To assist you with this fundamental knowledge Dr. Morse has written his latest book ("The Detox Miracle Sourcebook"), and has an 8-Disk DVD Series taken from his actual school class work). and is the head of the International School of Detoxification, in which he helps to train both practitioners and lay people on how to clean & regenerate your body. Understanding genetics and how to reverse them, as well as learning about your lymphatic system and how to clean it will help you eliminate all manors of illnesses. The International School of Detoxification is a world-renowned and highly respected school offering a Certification as a Detoxification specialist. See the Educational Opportunities section of our Web Site for further details on the school.
Dr. Morse's goal has always been to educate the world about the SIMPLICITY and TRUTH in achieving Health and Vitality.
Our future library will include the finest works in the field of natural healing, with a primary focus detoxification. We will also carry the better books on herbs and their wide variety of uses.
We hope you enjoy our Web Sites as we continue to expand. Our wish is to offer you access to the truth as Nature intended it, and to the incredible and versatile world of herbs and herbal products. They will greatly assist you on your fascinating journey to Health and Vitality.