Personal instruction by seasoned Certified QuickBooks Educators
In person or on line One-on-One tutoring is a great way to learn QuickBooks accounting
together with others at the office
We speak simple english, not accounting-ese
Why choose one-on-one attention instead of taking a class or reading a book?
We come to your location. If this is not possible, by way of remote internet access and telephone - its as though we are there.
We focus on the individual issues facing your business.
We will be there to answer your specific questions and concerns.
No need to spend time on features that dont impact your business!
Once QuickBooks is set-up and working properly (which we can do for you as well), we can train you and/or your employees to properly use QuickBooks specifically for your business needs.
Campbell & Company, CPAs, PA is a full-service CPA and financial services firm. We are held to a fiduciary responsibility to our clients. This is important when seeking counsel for your financial.