Nestled in the rolling hills of the Lake Wales ridge, the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd is a family committed to faithfulness through worship, prayer, fellowship and learning.
As we walk with Christ, we hope to grow in our love for God and our service to others.
More than 250 people gather each week for service, worship, education, evangelism and pastoral care. Find out when you can join us for a service, and then learn how to become a part of our parish.
We are excited to debut several new programs and activities this fall. On Wednesday nights, beginning September 15th, Doris Gukich will lead a Beth Moore Bible Study in the parish hall parlor for the women of the church. Also, Father Tom will offer "The Bible and Western Culture." Joanie Brawley will alternate between Stephen Ministry and a new course called "Boundaries." This 9-session course will explore when to say yes, how to say no, to take control of your life.
On Tuesday evenings from 7-8 PM, Curt Templeton and Alan Delorey are hosting dance practice in the parish hall for fun and fellowship. They gather informally to share ballroom dance steps. Everyone is welcome -with or without a partner! Come and check it out!
Lee Cobb performed J.S. Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D Minor at the organ dedicatory recital on November 5th. Click to listen to a rough MP3 recording.
By Tomi Blackburn
The title of this article sounds like a riddle or a joke, but its no laughing matter that without many non-Episcopal Friends, Good Shepherd Thrift Shop wouldnt be open for business five days a week because of a lack of volunteers. In its early history, only members of Church of the Good Shepherd worked in the store. But now this enterprise would really be history if it werent for the help of our non-Episcopal friends. Heres a heartfelt salute to those Friends of Good Shepherd who make a weekly commitment to help our outreach mission in the community and in Santa Maria, Honduras.