The Professional Hearing Aid Experience
Audio Rehab Lab has been serving the hearing-impaired in North Florida and South Georgia for nearly twenty-five years. We take pride in offering only the most current products and services.
Our highly skilled, dedicated audiologist (see Professional Staff), Kaki Pope has one goal in mind...better hearing health care and 100% satisfaction for all of our patients.
Audio Rehab Lab features 100% digital hearing aids. Digital hearing aids provide the clearest sound quality available. Some models even have the ability to amplify desired sound while minimizing extraneous noise. This is especially useful in a noisy environment, such as a restaurant. Your audiologist will take the time to find out what is important to you and make the hearing aid recommendations that will be in your best interest.
At Audio Rehab Lab, we strive to distinguish our office from other hearing aid providers by offering a comfortable waiting room, minimal wait times, and the most courteous staff in Tallahassee!
We welcome you to our office and our website. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have.