If you’ve recently taken a pregnancy test or missed a period, you might be worried about an unplanned pregnancy. If a baby isn’t part of your plans, you might be thinking of terminating your pregnancy. If your test here is positive we can see if you qualify for a free ultrasound to assure that your pregnancy is viable meaning it will likely carry to term. Between 20-25% of pregnancies miscarry on their own.
Abortion… There are risks… Get the facts…
At Grace House Pregnancy Resource Center, you won’t find anyone judging you or telling you what to do. There’s no hype, no politics, and we don’t make money off of anything you choose. We’re here to listen and help you with free confidential services.
Grace House offers support to women & men who are facing unplanned pregnancies or who are already parenting. Take a pregnancy test, learn the symptoms of pregnancy, and facts about abortion procedures and risks, Plan B (the Morning After Pill), RU486, get information on pregnancy options, and the compassionate help of a lay-counselor. We can help guys with questions like, Shes pregnant! Now what? and What are a guys legal rights & responsibilities? We understand that sometimes you need a place to process everything, to think through all your options, to feel safe to share whats on your mind.
We can also give you the information and help you develop skills that can provide you with a 100% effective way to avoid pregnancy, STDs. .. plus educate you on the social and spiritual side effects of sexual activity.
Contact usin DeLand at 386-822-9797 or usethis online contact form to get more info or schedule an appointment
Contact usinEdgewater at 386-957-4811 or usethis online contact form to get more info or schedule an appointment