Local Lake County and Sumter County Attorneys Advocating for You
Why appear in a Lake County or Sumter County courtroom on a criminal charge without a local attorney at your side? We live and work close by and provide aggressive representation to area residents. We know the system. We are familiar with the prosecutors, judges and law enforcement professionals.
At Graves & Spivey, P.A., we work hard for you and strive for the best resolution to life-changing criminal charges.
Do not put your legal matter in the hands of an attorney who has never or rarely set foot in a local courthouse. Experience is one thing. Insight and knowledge is quite another. At our firm, we provide all three. Contact our Florida law firm at 352-508-1186.
Your Personal Legal Team at Work
When you secure legal representation from Graves & Spivey, P.A., you immediately benefit from a team of three attorneys, not just one. We take a collaborative approach to our practice of law, bringing vast and varied knowledge and experience together. That level of advocacy is vital. Too much is at stake when you are facing charges such as DUI or drug possession.
Aggressive Advocacy for Clients Charged With Serious Crimes
With two death-penalty-qualified attorneys at our firm, we can defend clients against serious charges that could result in lengthy or lifetime prison sentences. Not every lawyer can handle a murder case or competently defend a client charged with Internet pornography.
With over 250 criminal trials ranging from petty theft to homicide, we clearly know how to represent you in the courtroom when necessary. Our goal is not to immediately take a plea bargain. There are facts and evidence that must be presented. Your rights need protection.
For more information or to schedule an appointment with an experienced criminal defense lawyer regarding any criminal accusation, please contact us.
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Evening, Weekend & Jailhouse Appointments Available
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Criminal Defense Attorney George Dugan has been serving the Fort Pierce area since 1978. He will bring his exceptional trial skills to defend you against any criminal charges, from DUI to murder.