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Florida Fitness Coaches
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Naples Personal Training
Address15495 Tamiami Trl N Ste 104 Naples, FL 34110-6209
Phone(239) 596-6200
Why Mindless Eating Can Pack On Pounds
Below is a great article on mindless eating I found. Most of this concept comes from the groundbreaking research of Brian Wansink. I highly recommend his book.
It seems when Americans sit down to eat, our minds are out to lunch. Whether it’s the newspaper on the kitchen table, the morning news on TV, your co-workers [...]

FLORIDA FITNESS COACHES is hosting an OBSTACLE COURSE CHALLENGE for the next 6 weeks!!! The cost to participate is $99 per person, with a portion of the proceedsgoing to Bikes for Tykes of Naples. Read more about it on by clicking on the link below:
The events of the obstacle course are as follows:

We have been testing out a new metabolic workout that has been fun, and a killer workout, but done in under 30 minutes. After you warm up and stretch out, give it a try and let us know what you think. We will be filming this and putting it on our YouTube channel, so stay [...]

Do You Have the Right Mindset?
When it comes to losing fat or performing at your peak, most of the attention always turns to your workouts and what you eat. Obviously, this is crucial to your success, but in my experience if you dont have the right mindset, none of that will matter.
There is a difference between thinking you should workout [...]

Almost 25% of us are now “clinically obese”
And we gain back a heart- breaking 95% of the pounds we lose! Do you find all of this as shocking and as unacceptable as we do?

It seems when Americans sit down to eat, our minds are out to lunch. Whether it’s the newspaper on the kitchen table, the morning news on TV, your co-workers you’re dining with, or simply the world passing you by, food is the only thing we’re not thinking about when we eat. The problem is, our absent-minded way of eating is starting to make a difference when we step on the scale — and not in a good way.
“Regardless of how tuned in we believe we are to what we eat and how much we eat, we are really a nation of mindless eaters,” says Brian Wansink, PhD, professor and director of Cornell Food and Brand Lab.
So if we’re not focused on our food, what is it we’re thinking about when we sit down for a meal? Do we give any thought at all to what’s on our forks, or do we just open up and consume?
Experts give WebMD tips on how we can stop our absent-minded way of eating and start thinking before we open our mouths for a mindless feast.

“The average person during the course of an average day makes over 200 food-related decisions,” says Wansink, author of Mindless Eating. “But if you ask someone what that number is, they say around 30.”
That could mean that many of the choices we should be making regarding the food we eat are made for us when we’re seduced by our environment.
“If we simply give people a larger plate size, in some cases, they’ll end up eating 25%-50% more food just because the dish they’re eating from is bigger,” says Wansink. “Whether it’s the time of day, who we are with, the lighting, the size of dish, the variety of food- — all of these things end up influencing us as we make food choices.”
While the brain that’s between our ears doesn’t seem to have a huge role on the food we put between our lips, that doesn’t mean it’s not having an impact on our waistlines.
“If you look at all the factors that influence your food choices over the course of a day, if you eat 20% more calories than you need because of those factors, then at the end of the year, that’s about 40 pounds of extra weight,” says Wansink. “So it makes a huge difference at the end of the year, and that’s what we call the ‘mindless margin’ — we lose and gain weight by a few calories a day.”
So if we’re not paying attention to our food, what is it we’re pondering?
Life vs. Food
“Even when you’re eating with others, say at a lunch meeting, it’s easy for people to get caught up in the conversation and forget to pay attention to their food,” says Linda Spangle, RN, MA, author of Life is Hard, Food is Easy. “Suddenly, they look down and realize their plate is empty, but didn’t really notice what they ate.”
Life, it seems, gets in the way of food.
“It’s very common for people to be so preoccupied with life concerns that they eat without paying much attention to their food,” says Spangle.
Instead of food, everything else is on their minds, from kids to relationships to work.
“Many workers multitask by eating at their desks and continuing to do computer work, answer emails, or do other tasks,” says Spangle.
They’re so focused on their work that the food in front of them magically disappears without a second thought.
“In the evening, many people no longer eat at a table as a family,” says Spangle. “Instead, each person grabs their own food, then they head to another room or they plunk down in front of the TV to relax from their day. In this case, TV holds their attention as they mindlessly shove food in their mouths.”
And in many cases, Spangle explains, the power of habit goes into overdrive when the mind shifts to neutral.
“Many times it’s habit,” says Spangle, who also authored 100 Days of Weight Loss. “We’re used to eating a certain amount of food at our meals, such as a large sandwich, and we finish it off even when we know we’re overeating or becoming too full.”
What happened to the joy of eating? Of enjoying a simple meal and relishing every last bite? Have those days gone the way of the family dinner?
“It’s not that people don’t want to notice and appreciate what they’re eating,” Spangle tells WebMD. “It’s that we’ve forgotten how to separate eating from all the other activities or demands in our lives.”
Focusing on Food
So how do we get our minds back on track and start focusing on food?
“The bad news is that the environment can lead us to mindlessly overeat,” says Wansink. “The good news is we can change our environment to eat what we want and eat the quantities we want.”

Slow down. “The faster you eat, the less likely you’re paying attention to your food,” says Spangle. “Consider setting a timer or your watch alarm for 20 minutes, then make sure that your meal lasts that long. For those who tend to quickly wolf down their food without noticing it, the 20-minute timer will completely change the way they eat.”
Savor the food. “Build the habit of starting your meal by taking very small bites and paying attention to all the details of the food, including the temperature, texture, seasoning,” says Spangle. “By really noticing these things, you’ll totally change your awareness of your eating. You’ll also find you can get a lot of satisfaction from a very small amount of food.”
Watch for the “eating pause.” “This subtle cue is related to the body indicating that it’s had enough food,” says Spangle.

During a meal, most people unknowingly take a break, put their fork and knife down, and stop eating for a few minutes. This is the “eating pause.” What usually happens next is mindless eating.
“After a minute or two, they will look down at their plate, notice the food that’s left, and start eating again to finish their meal,” says Spangle. “Interestingly, when people do this ‘eating pause’ they are usually at the point of being satisfied by their food — not too full, not still hungry, but totally satisfied.”
So the trick is, when you run into the eating pause, don’t just take a break from eating — stop altogether instead. Using this technique helps you keep your mind on your food and prevents you from overeating.

Don’t be seduced by labels. “When food is advertised as healthy or low fat, people fall for that,” says Wansink. “We find that when people think they are eating healthy food they overeat by 40%, or they compensate by putting cheese or mayo on the food or ordering cookies or dessert because they think they deserve it, and that has a huge impact on our calorie intake.”
Don’t eat by the clock. “When people eat by the clock, they might eat even when they’re not hungry because the clock strikes noon,” says Susan Moores, RD, spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association. “It’s more important to pay attention to hunger and eat when your body tells you to instead of your watch. When people are a slave to a clock it can backfire.”
Separate food from technology. “Don’t watch TV, surf the Internet, or read the paper when you eat because it’s too easy to become distracted and forget about the food you’re eating,” says Moores. “Or if reality has it that you are going to read a paper or watch a football game and eat, put a finite food in front of you so you’re not sitting there with a big box of snacks and an endless amount of food that you eat without a second thought.”
Be satisfied with your food. “What we hope people will get is satisfaction from food or from the occasion of eating,” says Moores. “If people get better at listening to their body and eating when they’re hungry and eating food they enjoy, they’ll be satisfied by it and eat it mindfully. It becomes what we call ‘intuitive eating,’ or the act of listening to your body and eating what your body is calling for and then by and large, you’ll be satisfied by it.”

This is a fun, friendlycommunity eventthat willbenefit aGREAT cause. We hope that as manyof you who can will participate! Encourage your friends to participate as well….both members and non-members are welcome! Iffor some reason you cannotjoin the competition,but would still like to give to Bikesfor Tykes, we will be accepting donations throughout the 6 week challenge. If you have any questions at all, please contact us. If not, start practicing! Good luck!

We have been testing out a new metabolic workout that has been fun, and a killer workout, but done in under 30 minutes. After you warm up and stretch out, give it a try and let us know what you think. We will be filming this and putting it on our YouTube channel, so stay tuned. Let us know how it goes!
30 seconds/15 recovery 2 rounds rest 2-3 mins same for second round

There is a difference between thinking you should workout because its good for you vs. working out because you are tired of the way you look and feel and will not stand for that anymore. Which one has more juice behind it?
Saying I have to work out vs. I am working out so I can look and feel great is the difference between not only doing it but doing it well or not just going through the motions. That simple mindset sometimes makes all the difference to your health and fitness success.
Cease negative mental chattering. If you think a thing is impossible, youll make it impossible. Pessimism blunts the tools you need to succeed.
The above quote speaks to the countless clients I have had realize that it was not their nutrition and workouts that were to blame for their lack of success but their negative or limited thought process. Most people are working out but not believing for a second that they can lose weight because they have always been fat. Believe it or not, we are like the genie from Aladdin. When we have a thought, our wish is our command. We get what we believe in, good or bad, right or wrong.
The mind is a powerful tool that, when nourished with positive and supportive thoughts, allows us to accomplish anything we put our mind to. The problem is most people simply do not believe this and continue to fail because of it.
There is a simple saying: get your mind right and you get things done. Apply this to your health and fitness and you will be amazed at what you can accomplish!

The above statistics are staggering. It doesnt have to, nor should it be this way.
Would you would like to find out exactly what is takes to get that lean, sexy, healthy body you deserve?
If so, we have a time-tested way to virtually guarantee your weight loss success…
Call FLORIDA FITNESS COACHES today and meet with one of their Fitness Coaches to review your goals and set up the plan for you that will guarantee you results.
We will let you try us out for a full 7 days, RISK FREE!!!

The title of this blog was on the cover of Womens Health this month; obviously a great headline sells magazines, and who doesnt want to look better naked? I usually dont read many fitness magazines because most of them are designed to sell supplements or have bogus articles in them, but I was curious to see what type of workout they were promoting. It was actually nice to see they were promoting exactly what we recommend for fat loss and backed it up with some studies.
The research continues to mount that when it comes to long, drawn-out steady state cardio, it is not the way to go for fat loss. Below is taken from Womens Health:
“In a study published in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, researchers tracked women who did 45 minutes of steady state aerobic cardio at 78% of their maximum heart rate five days a week. After 12 weeks the women experienced no change in their body composition compared to women who didnt exercise or diet.”
Once again, what we do at Florida Fitness Coaches in terms of programming and personal fitness coaching is ahead of the curve. We moved away from steady state training a long time ago and continue to refine our methods to get you the best results possible so you can look better naked!!
Try this quick fat blasting workout next time instead of 45 minutes on the treadmill:

Plank to Push-up
Do each exercise as much as you can for 45 seconds. Rest 15-30 seconds between each exercise. Take a 60 second break and repeat the whole cycle. During your first week do 4 rounds, working up to 8-10 rounds.
If you would like more guidance and individualized instruction please come in and try us out for 7 days with no obligation. Included in the 7 days is Boot Camp and personal training.

As the title implies some recent studies have come out once again validating our training concepts. Below is a recent blog from Alywn Cosgrove breaking down some recent studies regarding the effects of Kettlebell training.
A recent study came out of Truman State University and looked at the metabolic effect of kettlebell training
The subjects were asked to swing a kettlebell as many times as they could in a 12 minute period (sets, reps and rest period it seems were freestyled the subjects rested whenever they wanted)
The researchers found that the subjects completed between 198 and 333 swings in the time frame (265 swings average ) and worked at an average heart rate of 86% of max and at 65% of their previously measured oxygen consumption [VO2max]. They concluded that

Continuous kettlebell swings can impart a metabolic challenge of sufficient intensity to increase Vo2max. Heart rate was substantially higher than Vo2 during kettlebell swings. Kettlebells provide a useful tool with which coaches may improve the cardiorespiratory fitness of their athletes.

This validates what several of you training yourself, training clients or who just hate doing traditional cardio have probably known for a while We dont have to do traditional cardiovascular training (running, cycling etc) to get a cardiovascular training effect. 12 mins of kettlebell swings can be used as a great cardio tool, as can bodyweight circuits, sleds, sandbags etc.
Taking that a step further, we can see that it may actually be a better choice of cardio training for some clients.
12 mins of running as a comparison obviously involves a lot more repetitions through the joints than an average of 265 reps of kettlebell swings. So for some clients/trainees, we can get a similar metabolic effect, heart rate, oxygen consumption (and therefore calories burned) while reducing the total reps and joint stress in deconditioned clients.
The bottom line is that we can use non-traditional metabolic training such as this, to provide cardiovascular training benefits.
Try the following at the end of your next workout:
Start the stopwatch.
Do 10-12 swings at the top of each minute, and rest for the remainder of the minute.
Repeat for 10-12 mins

Congratulations to all ofthe members who participated in our Biggest Loser Contest! During this 8-week competition, 11participantslost a total of 96 pounds and 93 inches!!! On Friday, March 19th, we announced that our grand prize winner was Sabra, whose percentage of weight loss totaled 7.52%! Way to go, Sabra! For all of her hard work, Sabra won a 6-month membershipat FLORIDA FITNESS COACHES, including weekly training sessions. Thousands of dollars inprizes were awarded to the runners up at a receptiononFriday.
We must say, it was a job well done by all of our competitors. Keep up the great work!

The title above was from a recent article on training the core in the wall street journal. I found it almost comical that this was considered “new” in the industry. Click below to read.
It is just one more example of how we are always trying to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to our program design. The article is talking about core strentgh as if it a new trend in the industry. Although it may be to some we have been preaching this for quite some time.

FLORIDA FITNESS COACHES hasformed a team that will be walking in the Komen Southwest Florida Race for the Cure on Saturday,March 13, 2010. Any and all are welcome to join our team…the more the merrier! The 5k run/walk begins at 8:00am at Coconut Point Mall. If you cannot walk with us, please show your support for FLORIDA FITNESS COACHES by donating to our team. You can visit to join our team or make a donation. Thank you for your support in the fight against breast cancer!
For those of you who are walking with our team, we are meeting at DSW at Coconut Point at 7:30am the morning of the race. Please remember to wear your favorite Florida Fitness Coaches t-shirt to show yourteam spirit! See you there!


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