Bingham Consulting Professionals — We Help Staffing Firms Grow
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that the employment services industry will be the third fastest-growing industry through 2014.
Is your firm poised to take advantage of the growth opportunities?
To thrive in the relentlessly competitive staffing industry today, a firm must first become adept at uncovering the workforce challenges facing today’s organizations and then help resolve them. Buyers of staffing services are getting savvier about using contingent labor to drive efficiencies in their organizations. That’s good news for those leading staffing companies since clients need our services today more than ever, but it means we must remain nimble and adjust our go-to-market approach as buyer expectations evolve.
Can you answer these questions with a confident "yes?"
Have you quantified your company’s value proposition, and is it compelling enough to set you apart from the other 31,000 employment services organizations in the U.S.?
Are your sales and recruiter teams effectively carrying your firm’s message to your target market?
Is your staff set up for success, supported by proactive sales leadership, training, coaching, and disciplined execution?
Weaving these elements together to achieve optimal sales effectiveness is challenging. That’s where we help.