Since 1973, O'HARA LANDSCAPE & MAINTENANCE, INC. has been providing reliable landscape beautification to thousands of residents in community associations and commercial properties in Palm Beach, Martin, and Broward Counties.
The measure of your satisfaction is based upon the experience of our highly qualified and dedicated staff. As career employees, they take pride in their work. Their goal is to stabilize your landscape program to produce consistent results.
Our uniformed crews are limited in size to keep workers close to supervision and property management. Repetitive duty assignments return the same foremen and crews to service the same properties, so they develop a familiarity that minimizes operational miscues.
All vehicles are radio dispatched and supervision carries cellular phones to offer prompt electronic access for directors and managers. Work orders and requests are received electronically and are responded to as priority items.
Service interruptions are minimized by regularly upgrading equipment and reviewing safety procedures. For your protection, we are licensed and insured.
Our clients invest their landscape dollars with confidence in:
enhanced aesthetics and leisure time
Their landscape is an asset to enjoy, not a burden to fret over.
upward real estate values
Why should you expect or put up with anything less? We invite you to call us today!