When you learn to be in Balance, your back pain will be significantly reduced or eliminated. Founder Jean Couch has studied healthy populations from all over the world - people who remain active into their old age, and don't experience back pain or end up with hunched-over posture. Millions of people are naturally in balance. Jean and her expert instructors will share their methods for a comforable posture with you. Learn more
Learn concrete guidelines to sit comfortably. You will feel better at the end of this class. Try it risk-free. Learn more about free, ongoing, or intensive classes.
The Problem: Most people have excessively curved posture as in the photo on the left. Many try to "stand up straight", also excessively curved, as in the photo on the right.
The Solution: With Balance, as in the middle photo, you will learn specific guidelines to align your bones naturally so strain is relieved and muscles relax. Back and joint pain are eliminated and the body heals itself. Learn more
After three years of pain, I am pain-free. Better yet, I know how to help myself when old irritations arise. -J.S., real estate agent