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St Margaret of Scotland Episcopal Church
Information may not be reliable

Episcopal church for all people. Two Sunday Holy Communion services.
Address8700 State Road 72 Sarasota, FL 34241-9578
Phone(941) 925-2525
An uplifting spiritual community where all are welcome. Come share our joy!

8700 State Road 72, Sarasota, FL 34241

Youth Group Activities

Daughters of the King

Living Fully-Dying Well

Sarasota Phone Numbers

Litany for our nation

Sunday School classes (pre-K to 8th grade) meet weekly at 9:15 am. Middle and High School Youth Groups meet Wednesday evenings.

Christmas tree and holiday wreath sale starts 10am Friday, November 26 at St. Margaret of Scotland

Welcome to our web home

St. Margaret of Scotland is a family called by Christ
to grow spiritually, to share life with others and to
make known His love through word and deed.
St.Margaret is also aparish for all people: for those who need a church home; for those who mourn and
want comfort; for those who are lonely and want
companionship; for those who pray and those who
dont; for those who believe and those who doubt;
for those who are searching for God; for those who
have not felt welcome in other communitiesof
faith; and for all in need of God's presence
and love. Welcome!

We are a member of The Diocese of Southwest
Florida and The Episcopal Church of the United
States and a part of the Anglican Communion.

"Stewardship is everything we
do after we say we believe"
Through stewardship we acknowledge that the many gifts we have been given are gifts from God.
It calls us to give back to God, by offering our time
and talent, and by making a financial committment
to St. Margaret. Read more

Altar Flowers - Order by Mail
If you prefer, you may now make your contribution
for altar flowers by mail. Simply download and
complete the Altar Flowers Mail-in Form.

1.St. Margaretis about giving,not getting.
2.St. Margaretis about building relationships.
3. St. Margaret is about sharing your load.

St. Margaret is located on State Road 72
three and one-half miles east of Exit 205
(Clark Road) on Interstate 75. Watch for
our illuminated sign.See directions below.
Worship Services 8 am: Traditional Holy Communion Service
without music. 9:30 am: Blend of Contemporary
and Traditional Holy Communion Services with
both hymnal and praise music. Nursery care.

6:00 pm: Informal worship, healing and Holy
Communion in a relaxed setting.

6:30 pm: Fellowship dinner prepared by our
own chef. Reservations requested.

7 - 8 pm:Evening's one-hour program or event.

Courtesy of: MapQuesttm


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