Welcome to LeMier FauxFinishes & Fine House Painting
Larry LeMier has been painting homes and applying faux finishes for over 20 years. He started on Long Island NY and now lives in Fernandina Beach, Florida.
He is well known for his fine house painting and attention to detail. He works with his customers to design custom finishes for their homes. Each finish is different and unique. He works alone so he can give you the highest quality workmanship. He works on walls, cabinets, furniture, floors, just about anything that can be painted. You will see some pictures here of his work. The only way to get the real effect is to see these finishes in person. Larry has a large portfolio that he takes on estimates also you can see some of the jobs he has done in the area by appointment. Call or email for estimates. 904-624-0294 fauxfinishes@bellsouth.net
The premier Cape Coral Contractors. We are expert kitchen re-modelers and bathroom re-modelers and also carry out handyman work. Contact us to discuss your home remodeling or repair jobs.
The premier Fort Myers Contractors. We are expert kitchen re-modelers and bathroom re-modelers and also carry out handyman work. Contact us to discuss your home remodeling or repair jobs.