Candles and carols. Brightly lit trees and red poinsettias. Angels and shepherds. You will find them all here at Hope this Christmas season. These are the outward signs and symbols of this Holy season.
But there is more. Our welcome to you and to your family includes an invitation to share the deeper reality of our Saviors birth. Here you will find the warmth of genuine caring. Come as you are. Bring your hopes and your dreams and even your doubts and your questions. Christmas at Hope is a time of healing and sharing, a time to rediscover love and faith and joy.
May this holiday season bring you closer to the ones you love and closer to the God whose love is the reason were hoping to see you soon.
Dr. Thomas McGrath,
Hanging of the Greens 11:30 am Sanctuary
First Sunday of Advent:
November 28 Holy Communion
Saturday, December 4 Nutcracker "Sweets"
Ladies' Christmas Tea 2:00 pm Friendship Hall
Second Sunday of Advent: December 5
Christmas Vocal Recital Presented by the Vocal students
of Becky Price 2:30 pm Hope Sanctuary
Caroling to Hope's shut-ins by
Youth of Hope 3:00-6:00 pm
Wednesday, December 8 Fellowship Dinner
Christmas Carol Sing-A-Long 6:00 pm Friendship Hall
Friday, December 10 Hope Creative School Christmas Program 11:00 am Friendship Hall
Third Sunday of Advent: December 12 "Happy Birthday Jesus" party for children 10:30 am Friendship Hall
Christmas Musical Worship Service
"Night of the Father's Love"
Presented by Hope Choirs at 10:30 am only Hope Sanctuary (regular 8:30 worship)
Christmas Cookie Baking Party
Young Adults & Families 11:30 am Friendship Hall & Kitchen
Fourth Sunday of Advent: December 19 Combined Family Worship Service
with Children's Nativity 10:00 am Hope Sanctuary
Friday, December 24 Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
and Nativity Tableau 7:00 pm Hope Sanctuary
8:30 and 10:30 a.m. * Dec. 19 will have only one service at 10:00 a.m.