Doctor Leonard's Auto Repair. Inc. is a small independantly owned automotive repair shop. A great place for anyone to stop in or make an apointment to havetheir car checked out orfixed. This, an established company, has been around for overeighteen years and still counting. A company withclientele that has delt with just this company for theirsole automotive needs, as well as new customers that drive by or have been refered to this company from long time customers. People come from near and far just to have the car repaired by us. We have clients from Tallahassee all the way down to Fort Myers. Even though we are located in Tampa our name travels all over.
DoctorLeonard's, even though a smallindependantly owned and operatedbusiness, is just what you are looking for.We go by the motto, "WHERE HONESTY AND QUALITYCOUNT!".Even some ofour advertisements will tell you, "Not the Cheapest, But where honesty and qualitycount." So right there in the advertisement you simply have honesty,we will tell youwe aren't the cheapest and its obvious that quality isone ofourmain concerns. I don't know about you, butquality is what is important to us!
Wheneveryou enter Doctor Leonard's, you should feel comfortable and at ease,you should expectservice enough tolet you what's wrong, what you should have done, and what has to be done to get it fixed,and be able toget it done right. When it comes toyour mode of transportationdo you really want to cut corners?That $50 you saved price shopping may just cost youthat same amount of moneyforthe tow bill, when you're stuck on the side of theroad. Why get it done unless you are getting it done right?