1800MARBLEGUY.COM was developed out of a desire to help the floor covering public. Since 1982 we have been involved in the restoration & maintenance of all types of flooring & hard surfaces. From custom homes in very distinguished neighborhoods to very large commercial settings & everything in between. No doubt we will be able to help you also.
Too many times the customer, whether big or small, was given very little, if any direction or help in maintaining their flooring investment. That is why we have provided this web site for you. We hope this web site will be of some help to you. Please book mark it or add it to your favorites and refer back to it later. No doubt you will find lots of helpful information here that you will want to refer back to later. One of our goals is to help educate you. So you will be making the best choices possible for your floors appearance, care, maintenance & restoration needs.
While you are here, please take just a moment to look around at some of the different types of restoration work we do and some of the maintenance work as well. That way you will be able to see how great your floors (stone, brick, terrazzo, tile or concrete) can look. Also, take a look at what some of our customers have had to say, not just about the actual work, but at how we go about doing our work. The level of professionalism, the attention to detail, or the great care we take when we are working in someone elses home. We have built a solid reputation for excellent customer service.
(This is bare Terrazzo. Did you notice the blue safety release tape protecting the base boards & the plastic sheeting protecting the walls?)
(This is restored Terrazzo. This level of shine was achieve by using Diamond Polishing pads & Special Polishing Powder. There is no wax or finish on this floor, just a deep, durable & easy to maintain shine.)
If we can be of any further help, or if you have any more questions, please feel free to contact us right here from our web site. Request all sorts of helpful information if you would like. We know the internet is a big place and there is no way we will ever be able to service everyone here and that's not what we are trying to do with this web site. We established this web site to do what we can to help educate our friends and neighbors. We hope we have helped you some and we will continue to help you. Thank you for visiting with us and any time we can help we'd be glad too, just ask.