This year, over 50% of injuries will be orthopaedic related(1). Workers will pull muscles, and experience sore backs from sitting at a desk all day. Children will hurt themselves at play. Someone will develop arthritis that will prevent them from their favorite hobby. Currently, employees in the U.S. lose more than 147 million days of work a year(2) and children stay home from school 21 million days a year(1) because of musculoskeletal injuries. These people need special attention, rehabilitation or even surgery to repair the pain.
Here at Florida Sports, Orthopaedic and Spine Medicine, we take our patient's pain seriously. We want each patient to leave feeling better. Our doctors have excellent credentials and years of experience in treating these sorts of injuries. Whether you pulled a muscle while exercising or if you need surgery, we are here to make you feel better!
Florida Sports, Orthopaedic & Spine Medicine provides physical therapy services in-house. The natural connection between orthopaedics and therapy gives our patients the added advantage of a close working relationship between the physician and therapist.
This communication between the physician and the therapist is a key component to the patients progress. In addition to this, by having this service available in our office, the patient can receive a beginning to end approach to care. From post-surgical to work and/or sports related injuries, our physical therapists are here to provide you with patient education and injury prevention instruction to help restore functional impairment and return you to a more independent lifestyle.
During your first visit the physical therapist will evaluate your need for physical therapy. By assessing and identifying your current and potential physical limitations, your therapist will develop a plan of care specific to your needs. A detailed exercise program will be created and given to you to help optimize your daily functions and it will be used in the facility as well as at home. Depending on the injury, we offer many types of services including therapeutic exercises, manual therapy, postural re-education, electrical stimulation, soft tissue manipulation, gait training, and traction that may be incorporated into your therapy program. Our therapists have specialties in manual therapy, kinesiotaping, also strength and conditioning.