"Gulf Coast Fellowship exists to reach people with the good news of Jesus Christ and to teach them to grow in His grace"
Gulf Coast Fellowships is pleased to announce its partnership with the Poulette Family and Youth Ministry International. Dennis teaches in a Baptist Seminary training future youth ministers.
Dear Gulf Coast- We are so thankful for your support of our ministry in Latin America. God is doing great things and we are happy to have you as such a vital part of His work to reach the young peple of Mexico and Cuba. We look forward to sharing and spending time with you in the future, and are happy to have you in our lives.
Thanks, The Poulette Family
Gulf Coast Fellowships is pleased to announce its partnership with the Pearson Family and Christian Embassy. Scott and Cindy Pearson, along with their three children, live and minister in our nation’s capital. They have been on staff with Christian Embassy, a division of Campus Crusade for Christ, since June 2000.
This ministry of evangelism and discipleship focuses on the Members of Congress, their spouses and their staff. They pursue relationships with Christians and non-believers through broad sewing events, networking with other believers on Capitol Hill, weekly Bible Studies and one-on-one appointments.
Because of their proximity to the Capitol, they live near many Congressional couples. They are anxious to meet, befriend and share the Gospel with these Members and spouses who live within a few blocks of their home. Additionally, Cindy’s teaching responsibilities for the Congressional wives study continues to bear fruit in the lives of the ladies and their families. Lastly, Scott has the challenge of balancing a growing family with increased responsibilities of ministry to both Hill Staff and the Members of Congress.
Please consider how you can financially and prayerfully partner with them in this strategic ministry.