The Mission of the Palm Partners Recovery Center is to provide the highest quality of care within our alcohol and drug rehab center at a reasonable and affordable cost.
Palm Partners drug rehab center and alcohol rehab center utilizes state of the art neurobiological strategies, relapse prevention techniques and 12 Step Recovery Program with health and wellness components.
Drug Dependence, Alcohol Addiction and other forms of chemical dependency are chronic manageable diseases. Palm Partners drug rehab center believes that providing expert alcohol treatment services, holistic drug rehab services and affordable alcohol rehab counseling guided by a simple principle, that if we do the right thing for the right reason, we help our patients experience recovery as well as become successful at life.
Drug Rehab Florida.
The Leading Drug Rehab Florida Treatment Center. Palm Partners was founded in 1994 by two recovering alcoholics and drug addicts that saw the need for specialized drug treatment services to ensure long term recovery. Our drug rehab Florida facility is structured as a combination of a 12-Step model integrated with a variety of innovative and state of the art treatment strategies. We believe that success is contingent upon this simple principle: when people do the right things for the right reasons, they can recover from alcohol addiction, drug dependence, chemical dependency and in turn become successful in life. This principle, as practiced by our drug rehab Florida staff and instilled in the clients we serve, ultimately benefits the client, their families, the recovering community, and society at large.
The growth of our drug rehab Florida treatment facility has been consistent since our inception. We have continued to be a Florida drug rehab center of excellence and an example for the drug treatment industry. Our model of alcohol and drug treatment is derived from the experiences of our clients, our seasoned staff, and extensive research in the field of addictive and psychiatric disorders. Our drug rehab Florida staff has vast experience in the field of addictions, recovery, relapse prevention, mental health, and alternative healing methods. We ensure that our drug rehab Florida clients receive the highest quality of care and standard of living.
While alcohol and drug dependence are chronic diseases, they are manageable through proper treatment. The appropriate setting for drug and alcohol treatment, or any other addictive and compulsive disorder, is imperative to success. The Palm Partners drug rehab Florida treatment center features a comfortable setting and motivational staff, our clients will get the support they need for a successful recovery. Palm Partners drug rehab Florida offers a specialized long-term approach with a quality and responsive aftercare program. We are dedicated, committed, and ready to help those who are willing to change their lives.
As one of the things that separates New Found Life of Delray Beach Florida from other programs is job coaching. Our job coach provide individualized job and vocational training, education, and counsel