DrWoody.com is a dynamic media site dedicated to providing you with innovative and up-to-date resources for taking charge of your career in the new economy. Whether you are a graduating senior or battle-tested workforce veteran, times have changed and so must you!
I truly believe we are entering into an age of career entrepreneurialism, an age where you will have to take charge of your career and create your own opportunities.
My book, The YOU Plan, is a career planning tool designed to help you get out of the hot seat and back into the job market. Based on the VIPER approach (see below), The YOU Plan will help you:
Assess the Values that guide your decisions
Discover the Intrinsics you bring to the table
Align with your Passions
Leverage the Essence of who you are as a personal brand
Create a career Roadmap for success
The YOU Plan
Available now on shelves and through Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble
Dr. Woody is available for keynotes and career workshops.
View interviews and video clips of Dr. Woody
Check out Dr. Woody on Tabatha's Salon Takeover - December 8th on Bravo at 10pm
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