The staff and family of San Pedro Parish, located on Plantation Key, extend to you a warm welcome. Whether you are a seasonal resident or a visitor to the Florida Keys, or considering becoming a member of the parish, we trust that you will find San Pedro to be your spiritual home here.
Although we are small, we provide a variety of services and opportunities. There is a San Pedro Men's Club and a Women's Guild. We have both an adult and a children's choir. Through our R.C.I.A. program, those who are preparing to be received into the Catholic faith and those who simply wish to be more informed about their faith are given instructions. Our CCD program instructs our school-age parishioners in the teachings and traditions of Catholic life.
A group prays the rosary after every weekday Mass. Religious articles and books are available for purchase, and some books may be borrowed. The local hospital and nursing home are visited on a regular basis, as are those confined to their homes. In an effort to reach out to those less fortunate, gifts and food are collected and distributed at seasonal times. The parish is associated with the First Choice Women's Center across from McDonald's in Tavernier, underscoring its respect for human life from conception to natural death.
Each year, parish sponsored events such as the Thanksgiving dinner, the Christians bazaar, Art Under the Oaks, a fashion show or spaghetti dinner, a St. Patrick's Day dinner, parish family picnics, and various other activities are held. The visitor and new parishioner alike can find much to do at San Pedro, and we encourage your active participation to the degree that you are able.
Masses: Saturday Vigils 5 p.m.; Sunday at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m.; Weekdays: Monday, Thursday, & Friday at 8:30 a.m. There is a Eucharistic Service each Tuesday at 8:30 a.m. Confessions are heard before weekend Masses.