You need a store that will help you get what you need within your budget and be there for you long after the purchase has been made. We understand that were not just selling office furniture; were establishing relationships with our customers.
Our sales people are exceptionally knowledgeable about everything pertaining to office furnishings and ergonomics.
We have been at our 6160 Beach Blvd. location since 1992. We are a business with a solid foundation in Jacksonville and truly care about where this city is headed. We get involved in community events and like to do our part helping local businesses.
We have skilled craftsmen that are able to refurbish, refinish, and color match anything. They also build beautiful custom furniture.
We know that whatever your office furnishing needs, we can provide an affordable solution. Our confidence shows in our outstanding customer service.
Click on the buttons on the left to browse our office furniture products. Call now, (904) 724-6400, for assistance in creating your office furniture solution or choosing the right piece of office furniture. Visit our Jacksonville office furniture showroom (map) to see our large floor selection and meet with our salespeople.
Shown top: DiVi - DiVi Workstations by AIS
Shown above: First Office - First Office Pulse Desk Series