Serving our customers since 1977 makes Allied one of the oldest and trusted Door companies in Central Florida. We are committed to stocking and supplying the finest door products available. Our wide range of commercial and residential product lines includes steel doors, wood doors, fiberglass doors, door hardware, overhead doors, dock equipment, access controls, designer door lites, hurricane doors, bullet resistant doors, fire doors and sound doors. The quality of our work shows in every product we sell or service. Our firm is committed to provide the highest level of customer satisfaction in the industry with honesty, competitive prices and on time delivery.
As a Ribbon Distributor for The Overhead Door Company our firm offers the finest residential and toughest and longlasting commerical garage doors anywhere. Our service technicians are factory trained and employees of our firm, not sub-contractors. Whether you have a large commercial or institutional project or you are a homeowner that would like a new garage door or service or a front door replaced, we can handle it. Our firm is committed to provide the highest level of customer satisfaction in the industry with honesty, competitive prices and on time delivery.
Architects and Engineers: Our Architectural Hardware Consultants and Certifed Door Consultants are available to write your door and hardware specifications accurately, provide quality products and specify product equals for competitive bids. We employ Door & Hardware Institute trained Professionals, experienced in education, healthcare, commercial and industrial facilities.
Builders and Contractors: Our experience indludes furnishing and installing door and hardware packages for health care, institutional, commerical and industrial projects. Whether you are looking for commercial or residential door products, sales or service, Overhead Door of Brevard and Allied Door and Hardware Company is prepared to serve you.
Home Owners: Allied Door & Hardware Company maintains a Door & Window Contractors License is fully insured and we are a My Safe Florida Home Certified Contractor. Our residential division will install custom door lites in existing doors, upgrade exterior doors to Hurricane Compliance, custom make interior doors and service your garage door or replace it with a new Hurricane Compliant garage door.