When we first considered the idea of opening a learning center, there were several things that influenced our decision. Probably the strongest influence was our belief that a child's brain is wired very early in life and the first years are crucial to their development.
We believe that what a child is exposed to in the very early years of their life will have a profound effect on the rest of their lives. We have found, through experience, that children really enjoy learning if it is presented in an acceptable manner. It seemed a shame to us that children were spending as much as 12 hours a day in a daycare and learning very little. At Childworld, we will try to expose the child to as many positive learning experiences as we can.
We will not make assumptions as to what a child can or can not learn, nor will we put any undue pressure on them to learn. We will work hard to build the self-esteem of each child as an individual and to create an environment which will be challenging to each child. Our main objectives are happy children, happy parents and making good use of the child's valuable time.