Outside Photo Sanctuary and Overflow Room (Southside Building Looking North).
The First Christian Church Of Wilton Manors founded in the mid 1950's believes that everyone has been given gifts and talents with which to serve God. We believe there is "A ministry for everyone, and that everyone has a ministry". We encourage every friend and member to utilize these gifts through our many outreach programs and departments within the body of our family oriented Church. We are located at 2725 N.E. 14th. Avenue in Wilton Manors.
We have many opportunities allowing each individual to realize their God given potential. We have adult bible studies on Sunday mornings and various related meetings throughout the week. Also we support and incorporate the Pioneer clubs curriculum on Wednesday evenings for 2-3 year old children up to fifth grade. From six grade through eighth grade there is our group RAYZ (an acronym for radically awesome youth zone). And from ninth grade through Junior College we have our young peoples group RETRO ( an acronym for Radically empowered teens reclaiming our world).
There are in addition to these groups other need sensitive groups that minister to as well as strengthen our resolve and help us fully understand and realize God's plan for us, which includes being a light in a dark and dying world. A witness to God's love for us revealed in His Son, God the Son, Jesus Christ.
About Our Site
In the wake of Great Technological advances and Internet evolution bringing cutting edge presentations to the masses we will strive to focus on whats really important.We feel a calling to educate and this sites goal is to bring the good news of Jesus to the lost, the desperate, the needy and the helpless.