Start shopping for Christmas today . . .
The Ladies of the Field cookbook 'Feeding the Flock' is available. $10 per book. Ideal gift for the holidays. The books will be on sale after each service, or from church office. Proceeds go to outreach. Thank you for your support.
The Ladies of the Field will meet again on Thursday, December 2nd at 6pm in the Parish Hall. Please bring a dish to share as we join in fellowship and celebration of the holidays.
Christmas Poinsettias can be purchased this year in Memory or Thanksgiving of a loved one. Please complete the card inserted in the bulletin and return it to the church office NO LATER THAN SUNDAY DEC 19th. Make checks payable to St. Francis marked "Poinsettias'
The St. Mary's food bank is getting low, and we have been asked to continue our support by bringing canned and dried food items to donate. Thank you.
If you have prayer requests for the Healing Ministers, you may email them to: