SCA Director/SWC Personnel Director : Pastor Lisa Williams
Associate Pastor: Pastor Terry Thompson
Family Life Pastor: Pastor Marcus Abernethy
Christian Education Director: Lisa Hamsher
Office Administrator: Mary Mars
Senior High Youth Pastor: Pastor Stephen Arnold
Junior High Youth Pastor: Pastor Courtney Williams
Life Net Ministry Coordinators: Paul & Janet McAllister
Music Minister: Anthony Sands
Youth Music Minister : Rich Guinto
Assimilation Ministry Leader: Bob Hall
Life Net Pastoral Care
Max Out Student Ministries
Kidnet Children's Ministries
29:Eleven (Performing Arts Ministry)
Senior Adult Fellowship
"The Alabaster Box" Gift Shop
Intercessory Prayer (The Heritage Building)
Located in Heritage Sanctuary every Tuesday night.
5:30 PM to 6:30 PM
Fabulous, Family-style, Fellowship Dinner
$4 per person / $15 per family
Adult class located upstairs in the main building.
Under 3 year olds and Pre K sign in table is located to the left of the womens restroom in the mall area. K - 5th grade sign in table is located in the Heritage Building hallway.
Students grades 6-12 meet upstairs in the Heritage Education Building.
Setting the Captives free
Drug Addiction prayer, support, and deliverance.
Saturday Night Service
Sunday Morning Worship
Englewood Tent Revival
corner of 776 and Winchester blvd
Sponsored by Suncoast Worship Center and area churches. Evangelist Sparks.
Kids Revival kindergarten - 5th grade!
corner of 776 & WInchester Blvd. Sponsored by Suncoast Worship Center and area churches.
Kids revival kindergarten - 5th grade
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