Imagine a society that focuses on environmental stewardship and sustainability efforts. Developing a community to achieve zero landfill status, create sustainable infrastructure to support everyday way of life, and begin taking the next step to restore our natural resources for future generations is all of our responsibility.
Our mission is to utilizeinnovative design and provide Sustainable EngineeringSolutions to Engineer the Landscape of Tomorrow.
Sustainable Engineering is part of the creative process of utilizing science and technology, making use of energy and resources at a rate, which does not compromise the integrity of the natural environment, or the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This is the time where people embrace sustainable development ideals such as to strive to achieve zero landfill status, minimize storm water discharge and pollutant loadings into protected waters of the state, reduce energy consumption, and attempt to create self-supporting infrastructures. Considering the costs of energy, inefficiency of generating construction waste, being able to market the attractive features of a project, this is what future land development projects will need to focus on.
Our office coordinates with the Client, Architects, Contractors, and Jurisdictional Agencies to work together as a team in developing the concepts and solutions to create a sustainable development. Development includes residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, and municipal projects. Visioneering is one of the concepts used, which gives every stakeholder the opportunity to share ideas and think "outside the box" rather than linearly.
The role of engineering provides the foundation for properly planning, designing, permitting, and constructing development projects that will ultimately help protect the environment.
Listen to David Phillips as he discusses his passion for Sustainable Engineering. Plus, find out how to get a FREE Design Concept Plan!