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Immanuel Baptist Church
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REACHING WHERE? It really is startling to hear the statistics of churches in America that are not reaching anyone with the gospel!
Address4187 Highway 90 Milton, FL 32571-1941
Phone(850) 994-6152
Currently, the Audio/Visual team is working on some technical issues in regard to streaming the Worship… [more]

Changing Pace Crusade
Sunday Morning, November 14th, marks the beginning of the Changing Pace Crusade with evangelist, Dr.… [more]

Building Blocks for Believers
On September 19th, Pastor Ronniebegan a new series called "Building Blocks for Believers." This series… [more]

Oasis | Wednesday Night Worship
A night of Praise and Worship and practical preaching to the saved to edify, challenge, and encourage.… [more]

Immanuel Baptist is a church REACHING UP through exciting, relevant, and anointed worship; REACHING OUT though creative and intentional evangelism; and REACHING IN through Christian training to be world changers. We hope you will consider joining us for worship. We have some exciting new things happening here at Immanuel. New Fall Focus Groups, and new Wednesday Night (Oasis) and Sunday night schedules are just a few things happening here. Take a few minutes and explore the website. There are several areas that are still "under construction" so please bear with us. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the church office.

A night of Praise and Worship and practical preaching to the saved to edify, challenge, and … [Read More...]

2010 Fall Focus Groups
2010 Fall Focus Groups All Focus Groups start at 5:00 pm on Sunday Nights. Locations … [Read More...]

Sunday Morning, November 14th, marks the beginning of the Changing Pace Crusade with evangelist, Dr. Don Whitt of West Jackson, Tennessee. Dr. Whitt will will be preaching a series of messages that will stir your heart and challenge you and your walk with Christ. Bro. Clain Roberts, Minister of Music at Immanuel, will be leading [...]

Pastor Ronnie’s Blog
REACHING WHERE? It really is startling to hear the statistics of churches in America that are not reaching anyone with the gospel! And yet, isnt that why God has placed us here? Im reminded of the scripture where Jesus said, I have come to seek and to save those who are lost. If this is the priority of Jesus Christ, it ought to also be the priority of every church in America. Here at IBC we are trying to achieve this goal by REACHING UP, OUT and IN. Let me explain. IBC is REACHING UP through exciting, relevant and anointed worship. Nobody wants to go to a dead church! What we are trying to do is to create an environment where the Holy Spirit is welcome and secondly, where the un-churched and lost will feel welcome. We believe the most exciting place on the planet ought to be the church of the living God. We believe the message NEVER changes but the methods of delivery must. Therefore, our music on Sunday morning will be a great blend of upbeat songs of old as well as modern songs you hear on Christian radio. We call this Celebration Worship. We also believe the most important part of all is that the Holy Spirit is present and displaying His power! Without the power of God all we do is in vain! IBC is REACHING OUT through creative and intentional evangelism. … [Read More...]

Sunday Morning, November 14th, marks the beginning of the Changing … [Read More...]

On September 19th, Pastor Ronniebegan a new series called "Building … [Read More...]

New blog posting, Live Streaming - about 13 days ago
New blog posting, Changing Pace Crusade - about 19 days ago
New blog posting, Trunk or Treat - about 25 days ago

New blog posting, Student Fall Retreat - about 51 days ago

Branches and additional offices:
(850) 878-1021 2351 Mahan DR Tallahassee, FL 32308-6128
(850) 785-3459 216 College Ave Panama City, FL 32401-4891
(904) 908-0609 7268 Exline Rd Jacksonville, FL 32222-1904
(863) 375-4228 210 E Broward St Bowling Green, FL 33834-2092

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